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Abrégé de l'exégèse d'ibn kathir (2 volumes)
Abrégé de l'exégèse d'ibn kathir (2 volumes)
The exegesis and interpretation of The Holy Quran
The Holy Quran exegesis

The exegesis and interpretation of the Quran is a complex, challenging, and incredibly rich theme. In this section, you have the opportunity to develop a synthesis by exploring a wide selection of books and authors that delve into this fascinating subject.

105 products

Le Noble Coran avec Exégèse Thématique Indexée (Arabe/Grand Format) DAR GHAR HIRA دار غار حراء - 1Le Noble Coran avec Exégèse Thématique Indexée (Arabe/Grand Format)
      القرآن الكريم - The Complete Holy Quran in Arabic
      This special edition of the Holy Quran is based on the method of thematic explanation of the verses of the Quran. The Koranic page is divided by theme. For each theme, a color, with ...
      Le Noble Coran avec Exégèse Thématique Indexée (Arabe/Grand Format) DAR GHAR HIRA دار غار حراء - 1Le Noble Coran avec Exégèse Thématique Indexée (Arabe/Grand Format)
          القرآن الكريم - The Complete Holy Quran in Arabic
          This special edition of the Holy Quran is based on the method of thematic explanation of the verses of the Quran. The Koranic page is divided by theme. For each theme, a color, with ...
              Tafsir Al Sa'diTafsir Saadi: Exegesis of the Quran (Arabic)
                  Tafsir Al Sa'diTafsir Saadi: Exegesis of the Quran (Arabic)
                      Concise and summarized exegesis of the Quran. This exegesis is characterized by the simplicity of its expressions and the clarity of its allusions. In addition, our exegete has designed his commentary in a masterful style, using expressions accessible to the reader and devoid of any ambiguity, while taking care...
                      Tafsir Al Sa'diTafsir Saadi: Exegesis of the Quran (Arabic)
                          Concise and summarized exegesis of the Quran. This exegesis is characterized by the simplicity of its expressions and the clarity of its allusions. In addition, our exegete has designed his commentary in a masterful style, using expressions accessible to the reader and devoid of any ambiguity, while taking care...
                          JEALOUSY, EVIL EYE, WITCHCRAFT20 ways to repel JEALOUSY, EVIL EYE, WITCHCRAFT and protect yourself from the Devil (Frensh)
                              This book from the series "The Best of Imam Ibn Qayyim Al Jawziyya" aims to provide 20 practical ways to protect yourself against jealousy, the evil eye, witchcraft and the influence of the devil. The author, Ibn Qayyim Al Jawziyya, explores the protective Surahs Al-Falaq and An-Nâs of the Quran in detail, providing in-depth analysis to help readers fully...
                              JEALOUSY, EVIL EYE, WITCHCRAFT20 ways to repel JEALOUSY, EVIL EYE, WITCHCRAFT and protect yourself from the Devil (Frensh)
                                  This book from the series "The Best of Imam Ibn Qayyim Al Jawziyya" aims to provide 20 practical ways to protect yourself against jealousy, the evil eye, witchcraft and the influence of the devil. The author, Ibn Qayyim Al Jawziyya, explores the protective Surahs Al-Falaq and An-Nâs of the Quran in detail, providing in-depth analysis to help readers fully...
                                  the Treasures of Surat Al FatihaLiving the Treasures of Surah "Al-Fatiha": 40 messages to understand, meditate on, and apply in everyday life (Frensh)
                                      This book "Living the treasures of Surah Al-Fâtiha" by Karim GALLOUZE explores Surah "Al-Fâtiha" through 40 messages, offering in-depth understanding, meditation and daily application of this essential Surah. The author, founder of the “Living the Quran” project, guides readers to the heart of the often neglected richness of this magnificent Surah.
                                      the Treasures of Surat Al FatihaLiving the Treasures of Surah "Al-Fatiha": 40 messages to understand, meditate on, and apply in everyday life (Frensh)
                                          This book "Living the treasures of Surah Al-Fâtiha" by Karim GALLOUZE explores Surah "Al-Fâtiha" through 40 messages, offering in-depth understanding, meditation and daily application of this essential Surah. The author, founder of the “Living the Quran” project, guides readers to the heart of the often neglected richness of this magnificent Surah.
                                          Surah Ya Sin LessonsThe lessons of Surah Yâ-Sîn, The Heart of the Qurân (Frensh)
                                              "Lessons from Surah Ya Sin" by Asim Khan offers a captivating exploration of this Surah, dubbed 'the heart of the Qur'an' by the Prophet Muhammad....
                                              Surah Ya Sin LessonsThe lessons of Surah Yâ-Sîn, The Heart of the Qurân (Frensh)
                                                  "Lessons from Surah Ya Sin" by Asim Khan offers a captivating exploration of this Surah, dubbed 'the heart of the Qur'an' by the Prophet Muhammad....
                                                  Summary of the exegesis of Ibn Kathir (2 volumes/ Tawbah editions) TAWBAH Editions - 1Summary of the exegesis of Ibn Kathir (2 volumes/ Tawbah editions)
                                                  • Online only
                                                    Summary of the exegesis of Ibn Kathir (2 volumes/ Tawbah editions) TAWBAH Editions - 1Summary of the exegesis of Ibn Kathir (2 volumes/ Tawbah editions)
                                                    • Online only
                                                      Authentication based on the works of Shaykh Ahmad Shakir & Shaykh Muhammad Nasir Ad-Din Al-Albani - Compilation and...
                                                      Summary of the exegesis of Ibn Kathir (2 volumes/ Tawbah editions) TAWBAH Editions - 1Summary of the exegesis of Ibn Kathir (2 volumes/ Tawbah editions)
                                                      • Online only
                                                        Authentication based on the works of Shaykh Ahmad Shakir & Shaykh Muhammad Nasir Ad-Din Al-Albani - Compilation and...
                                                        Tafsir al QurtoubiThe Book of Judgments of the Qur'ân (Tafsir Al-Qurtubî), Volume 1: Surah Al-Fatiha
                                                            <div class="min-h-[20px] text-message flex flex-col items-start gap-3 whitespace-pre-wrap break-words [.text-message+&amp;]:mt-5...
                                                            Tafsir al QurtoubiThe Book of Judgments of the Qur'ân (Tafsir Al-Qurtubî), Volume 1: Surah Al-Fatiha
                                                                <div class="min-h-[20px] text-message flex flex-col items-start gap-3 whitespace-pre-wrap break-words [.text-message+&amp;]:mt-5...
                                                                The enigma of Khidr in Islam, by Max Giraud (Frensh) ALBOURAQ Éditions - 1The enigma of Khidr in Islam, by Max Giraud (Frensh)
                                                                    The enigma of Khidr in Islam, by Max Giraud (Frensh) ALBOURAQ Éditions - 1The enigma of Khidr in Islam, by Max Giraud (Frensh)
                                                                        "The Enigma of Khidr in Islam", by Max Giraud explores the mystery surrounding Khidr, the enigmatic character of the Surah of the Cave: Is he a divine Envoy, a Prophet, a Saint? Where is he from ? Where and when exactly does he meet Moses? <span...
                                                                        The enigma of Khidr in Islam, by Max Giraud (Frensh) ALBOURAQ Éditions - 1The enigma of Khidr in Islam, by Max Giraud (Frensh)
                                                                            "The Enigma of Khidr in Islam", by Max Giraud explores the mystery surrounding Khidr, the enigmatic character of the Surah of the Cave: Is he a divine Envoy, a Prophet, a Saint? Where is he from ? Where and when exactly does he meet Moses? <span...
                                                                            French translation of the exegesis of the Noble Quran
                                                                                French translation of the exegesis of the Noble Quran
                                                                                    This book, entitled "Translation into French of the Precis d'Exégèse du Noble Quran", offers a concise and accessible exegesis, suitable for all French-speaking readers. It includes succinct explanations of the purposes of the surahs, deductions of key teachings from the verses, and clarifies foreign terms. This new edition has followed a rigorous process of...
                                                                                    French translation of the exegesis of the Noble Quran
                                                                                        This book, entitled "Translation into French of the Precis d'Exégèse du Noble Quran", offers a concise and accessible exegesis, suitable for all French-speaking readers. It includes succinct explanations of the purposes of the surahs, deductions of key teachings from the verses, and clarifies foreign terms. This new edition has followed a rigorous process of...
                                                                                        Divine Recommendations: When the Lord Addresses Humanity Éditions des Savants - 1Divine Recommendations: When the Lord Addresses Humanity
                                                                                            The Divine Recommendations" is a book in the series "The best of Imam Ibn Kathir - Scholars' edition". It compiles the verses of the Quran where the Lord addresses humanity as a whole, using expressions such as "O men", "O people", and "O sons of Adam". These verses, aimed at both Muslims and non-Muslims, are scattered throughout the Quran, but have been grouped...
                                                                                            Divine Recommendations: When the Lord Addresses Humanity Éditions des Savants - 1Divine Recommendations: When the Lord Addresses Humanity
                                                                                                The Divine Recommendations" is a book in the series "The best of Imam Ibn Kathir - Scholars' edition". It compiles the verses of the Quran where the Lord addresses humanity as a whole, using expressions such as "O men", "O people", and "O sons of Adam". These verses, aimed at both Muslims and non-Muslims, are scattered throughout the Quran, but have been grouped...
                                                                                                Al Qur'an Al Karim (Warch) with Mukhtasar Tafsir As-Sa'di (Arabic) RESALAH Editions - مؤسسة الرسالة ناشرون - 1Al Qur'an Al Karim (Warch) with Mukhtasar Tafsir As-Sa'di (Arabic)
                                                                                                    The Holy Quran according to the Watch In Nafi' reading accompanied by its explanation according to the concise and summarized exegesis of the Quran of Sa'di; This exegesis is characterized by the simplicity of its expressions and the clarity of its allusions. In addition, our exegete has designed his commentary in a masterful style, using expressions accessible to...
                                                                                                    Al Qur'an Al Karim (Warch) with Mukhtasar Tafsir As-Sa'di (Arabic) RESALAH Editions - مؤسسة الرسالة ناشرون - 1Al Qur'an Al Karim (Warch) with Mukhtasar Tafsir As-Sa'di (Arabic)
                                                                                                        The Holy Quran according to the Watch In Nafi' reading accompanied by its explanation according to the concise and summarized exegesis of the Quran of Sa'di; This exegesis is characterized by the simplicity of its expressions and the clarity of its allusions. In addition, our exegete has designed his commentary in a masterful style, using expressions accessible to...