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      The revelation of the Holy Quran according to Muqbil Al-Wadi'iy
      The revelation of the Holy Quran according to Muqbil Al-Wadi'iy
      The revelation of the Holy Quran according to Muqbil Al-Wadi'iy

      The revelation of the Holy Quran according to Muqbil Al-Wadi'iy

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      The revelation of the Holy Quran according to Muqbil Al-Wadi'iy: This theme is linked to two fundamental matters: the exegesis (tafsir) of the Book of Allah, the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, the Quran and the Sunnah being the basis of religion. So, Knowing the cause of the revelation of a verse helps in understanding it.

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        The revelation of the Holy Quran according to Muqbil Al-Wadi'iy:

        This book has been made only with the aim of facilitating the reading and that everyone can derive the greatest benefit from it. Most of us do not know the Koran by heart (unfortunately), we found it interesting, not to say essential to recall all the verses concerned. This theme is linked to two fundamental subjects: the exegesis (tafsir) of the Book of Allah, the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, the Koran and the Sunnah being the basis of religion.

        This book also allows people who are foreign to the Holy Quran to answer their questions, their negative statements while attacking the Holy Book. Thus, it provokes the desire to know the secrets that prevailed at the revelation, but also to show them how the revelation of these verses came to relieve certain companions.

        The book is presented in ascending order, beginning with

        • Preface to the fifth edition


        • Surah 2 The cow (Al-Baqarah)
        • Surah 3 The family of 'Imran (Ali 'Imran)
        • Sura 4 Women (An-Nisa')
        • ...
        • Sura 96 Adhesion (Al'Alaq)
        • Sura 108 Al-Kawthar
        • Sura 111 The Fibers (Al-Masad)


        Data sheet

        Muqbil al-wadi'iy
        SUPPORT: -
        THEME : -
        Le Saint CORAN
        Condition : -
        Number of pages : -
        SIZE (CM):
        25 x 17
        Weight (kg): -
        .Translation : -
        Rachid Maaach
        EAN13: -

        Specific References

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        The revelation of the Holy Quran according to Muqbil Al-Wadi'iy

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        The revelation of the Holy Quran according to Muqbil Al-Wadi'iy

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        Return policy:20livraison sous 3-4 jours ouvrables