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Ce monde est voué à disparaÎtre, comme l'a si bien exprimé Allah - l'Unique - dans le Qour'an. (Sourate AI-Rohmen, V26) "Tout ce qui est sur elle (la,terre) doit disparaître (seule) subsistera la face de ton Seigneur, le Noble et le Majestueux." Allah - Le Tout Puissant - a fait en sorte que chaque être humain en ce monde ait une fin concrétisée par la mort, qui le transfèrera dans l'autre monde.
This world is doomed to disappear, as Allah - the Unique - expressed so well in the Qur'an. (Surah AI-Rohmen, V26) "All that is on it (the, earth) must disappear (only) will remain the face of your Lord, the Noble and the Majestic." Allah - The Almighty - has made sure that every human being in this world has an end materialized by death, which will transfer him to the next world. He will leave his family, his goods and his children to join a hole which is the first home of the Beyond. This location is either part of Hell or part of the Gardens of Heaven... Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
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