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      ARABIC in the hands of our children - العربية بين يدي أولادنا - book of THE STUDENT - Book 3
      ARABIC in the hands of our children - العربية بين يدي أولادنا - book of THE STUDENT - Book 3
      ARABIC in the hands of our children - العربية بين يدي أولادنا - book of THE STUDENT - Book 3
      ARABIC in the hands of our children - العربية بين يدي أولادنا - book of THE STUDENT - Book 3
      ARABIC in the hands of our children - العربية بين يدي أولادنا - book of THE STUDENT - Book 3
      ARABIC in the hands of our children - العربية بين يدي أولادنا - book of THE STUDENT - Book 3
      ARABIC in the hands of our children - العربية بين يدي أولادنا - book of THE STUDENT - Book 3
      ARABIC in the hands of our children - العربية بين يدي أولادنا - book of THE STUDENT - Book 3
      ARABIC in the hands of our children - العربية بين يدي أولادنا - book of THE STUDENT - Book 3
      ARABIC in the hands of our children - العربية بين يدي أولادنا - book of THE STUDENT - Book 3
      ARABIC in the hands of our children - العربية بين يدي أولادنا - book of THE STUDENT - Book 3
      ARABIC in the hands of our children - العربية بين يدي أولادنا - book of THE STUDENT - Book 3
      ARABIC in the hands of our children - العربية بين يدي أولادنا - book of THE STUDENT - Book 3

      ARABIC in the hands of our children - العربية بين يدي أولادنا - book of THE STUDENT - Book 3

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      Arabic in the hands of our children - book of THE STUDENT - Book 3

      Book to learn to speak Arabic and write it.

      It allows the student to:

      - Form correct Arabic sentences in terms of syntax and grammar.
      - Distinguish articulate Arabic voices
      - Communicate with natives on all occasions.

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        Practice revising as much vocabulary from the four units, remembering their meanings, and writing them down.

        It brings integration between language, communication and cultural skills.

        It adopts the latest methods of teaching foreign languages.

        It adopts the style of suspense for students through interesting functional designs.

        It allows students to study at university in Arabic.

        It allows the student to:

        - Form correct Arabic sentences in terms of syntax and grammar.
        - Distinguish articulate Arabic voices
        - Communicate with natives on all occasions.

        It consists of 8 units. Each unit has 5 lessons and an activity that is found at the end of that same unit.

        Thus, each book contains 40 basic lessons.

        The lessons for each unit of the books are distributed as follows:

        1: First dialogue and vocabulary

        2: Vocabulary exercises

        3: Structures and exercises

        4: Sounds, listening

        5: Reading, writing and exercises

        6: Activity

        The book contains 98 vocabularies.

        Testing, evaluation and revision:

        There are two revisions, one after unit four and one after unit eight. Titled: "Do you remember?" :

        This is a self-review of most parts of these units. This revision often includes the following elements: Training in the comprehension of the texts heard.

        It includes three levels:

        -At the level of sound and distinction: the student must have two converging sounds. He must listen and distinguish one of them.

        -At the level of speech and distinction: The trainee must have two words with a slight difference. He must listen and distinguish one of them.

        -At the level of expression, sentence and distinction: The trainee must have two sentences with a slight difference. He must listen and distinguish one of them.

        The corrections of the exercises as well as the methods of class management are in the teacher's version of this book.

        The latest series specializing in teaching Arabic to non-natives. It is made up of an elite of academicians specializing in students aged 5 to 18.

        It consists of 12 student books with audio material and 12 teacher books. It is intended for institutional teaching.

        يتكـون مــــن (8) وَحْــدات , تتألّفُ كُلُّ وَحدةٍ من (5) دُروسٍ، ونشا ط نهاية كل وحدة وبِهذا يحتوي كل كتاب على ( 40 ) درساً أساسِيّا. وقد جاء توزيع دروس كُلِّ وَحْدَةٍ من الكتب كما يلي:



        الدَّرْسُ الثّانِي : تدريبات المفردات

        الدَّرْسُ الثّالث : التراكيب وتدريباتها

        الدَّرْسُ الرّابع : الأصوات والاستماع وتدريباتهما

        الدَّرْسُ الخامس : القراءة والكتابة وتدريباتـهما

        الدَّرْسُ السّادس : نشاط

        مجموع صفحات الوحدة

        يحتوي الكتاب على 98 مفردة.

        الاختِباراتُ والتقويمُ والمراجعة:

        يتضَمّنُ مراجعتين بعد الوحدة وبعد الثامنة : باسم: (هل تذكرون ) الوحدات، وتشمل هذه المراجعة في أغلبها ما يلي:

        / التدريب على فهم المسموع، ويشمل ثلاث مستويات:
        على مستوى الصوت وتمييزه:أمام الطالب صوتان متقاربان، وعليه تمييزه.
        على مستوى الكلمة و تمييزها : أمام الطالب كلمتان بينهما اختلاف يسير، يسمع إحداهما، وعليه تمييزها.
        على مستوى التعبير/ الجملة وتمييزها : أمام الطالب جملتان بينهما اف يسير،يسمع إحداهما،وعليه تمييزها.
        / تابتها أحيانا.
        / التدريب على استخدام تراكيب اللغة وإكمال الحوار.

        It consists of (8) units. Each unit has (5) lessons and an activity at the end of each unit. Thus, each book has (40) basic lessons. The lessons of each unit in the books is distributed as follows:


        First Lesson: First Dialogue and Vocabulary

        Second Lesson: Vocabulary Exercises

        Third Lesson: Structures and Exercises

        Fourth Lesson: Sounds, Listening

        Fifth Lesson: Reading, Writing, and Exercises

        Sixth Lesson: Activity

        Total Number of the Unit Pages

        The book has 98 vocabularies.

        It includes three levels:

        -At the level of sound and distinction: the student shall have two converging sounds.
        He/she shall listen to and distinguish one of them.

        -At the level of word and distinction: The student shall have two words with slight difference. He/she shall listen to and distinguish one of them.

        -At the level of expression/sentence and distinction: The student shall have two sentences with slight difference. He/she shall listen to and distinguish one of them.

        Training to revise the most vocabulary of the four units, remember their meanings,

        and sometimes write them.
        Training to use the language structures and complete the dialogue.

        ARABICFORALL.NET Editions

        Data sheet

        Abd Al-Rahman Ben Ibrahim Alfouzane et Mohamed ben Abd Al-Rahman ÃL El-Cheikh
        Arabe - العربــــــــية
        SUPPORT: -
        THEME : -
        La Langue Arabe
        Arabic For All
        Condition : -
        Number of pages : -
        Weight (kg): -
        EAN13: -

        Specific References

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        ARABIC in the hands of our children - العربية بين يدي أولادنا - book of THE STUDENT - Book 3

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        ARABIC in the hands of our children - العربية بين يدي أولادنا - book of THE STUDENT - Book 3

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