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      01-The 77 degrees of the Muslim faith, of Imam al-Bayhaqi (Precis of Ibn Abdurrrahman al-Qazwini)
      01-The 77 degrees of the Muslim faith, of Imam al-Bayhaqi (Precis of Ibn Abdurrrahman al-Qazwini)

      01-The 77 degrees of the Muslim faith, of Imam al-Bayhaqi (Precis of Ibn Abdurrrahman al-Qazwini)

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      Here are the seventy-seven shu'bas (branches, degrees) of the Muslim faith summarized from the Treatise of Imam al-Bayhaqi. The advantage of presenting them in this short and concise form is that they are easy to understand and remember.

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        01-The 77 Degrees of the Muslim Faith, by Imam al-Bayhaqi (Precis of Ibn Abdurrrahman al-Qazwini: مختصر شعب الإيمان ), Collection Of Muslim Tradition, Pocket Format

        It is reported in the Authentic Collection ( Sahih ) of Bukhari and that of Muslim , according to the Hadith transmitted by Abu Hurayra that the Prophet said: "The Faith comprises more than sixty or more than seventy Shu'bas ( branches , degrees) of which the highest or the most sublime is the affirmation that there is no other god but God: Ilâha illâ Allâh , and the least is to remove the dirt from the path and modesty is also one of the branches of faith. »

        Imam al-Bayhaqi has listed and studied them in detail in a 6-volume book and Imam al-Qazwini has made a precise one, very simplified to facilitate access.

        Al-Bayhaqi , Abu Bakr Ahmed ibn al-Husayn

        Shafi'ite traditionist and faqih , was born in Khusrawdjird in Persia in 384/994 . It is reported that he took the lessons of a hundred Shaykhs . Al-Bayhaqi was a prolific writer, and the number of his writings would amount to a thousand fascicles. Among his works, it is perhaps his Kitab al-Sunan al-Kubra (ed. Haydarâbâd 1344-55, 10 VOL .) which is his most notable work; it was held in high esteem, and al-Subki for example declared it to be a model of plan, composition and perfection. He died at Naysabûr 458/1066 .


        Data sheet

        Auteur: l'imam al-Bayhaqi - Résumé: Ibn Abdurrrahman al-Qazwini
        SUPPORT: -
        THEME : -
        Piliers de la Foi
        LA RUCHE
        Condition : -
        Number of pages : -
        SIZE (CM):
        11 x 15 cm
        EAN13: -

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        01-The 77 degrees of the Muslim faith, of Imam al-Bayhaqi (Precis of Ibn Abdurrrahman al-Qazwini)
        01-The 77 degrees of the Muslim faith according to Imam al-Bayhaqi

        01-The 77 degrees of the Muslim faith, of Imam al-Bayhaqi (Precis of Ibn Abdurrrahman al-Qazwini)

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        Return policy:20livraison sous 3-4 jours ouvrables