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      The 5 pillars of Islam according to Mohammed Jamil Cherifi
      The 5 pillars of Islam according to Mohammed Jamil Cherifi

      The 5 pillars of Islam according to Mohammed Jamil Cherifi

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      The purpose of this book is to facilitate, with the help of Allah, the practice of Islam for those who have chosen to respond to the call of their Lord, by providing them with the basic elements necessary for the performance of their acts of worship.
      This presentation is also intended for people looking for a first approach to Islam.

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        The purpose of this book is to facilitate, with the help of Allah, the practice of Islam for those who have chosen to respond to the call of their Lord, by providing them with the basic elements necessary for the performance of their acts of worship.
        This presentation is aimed both at people looking for a first approach to Islam and at those who, guided by the Divine Light, firmly and sincerely desire to refocus and return to their Creator.
        Last revealed religion and synthesis of all the revelations that preceded it, Islâm - which means nothing other than submission or conformity to the Divine Will - is built - according to the consecrated expression, on five "pillars":
        Better than a long speech, the following hadith illustrates, could not better, what we could write about these pillars:
        Let Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, Companion of the Prophet “and second | Caliph of Islam, who reports the following:
        “One day when we were sitting near the Messenger of Allah, here appeared to us a man with bright white clothes and intensely black hair, without visible trace of travel on him; none of us knew him. He came and sat down opposite the Prophet, placed his knees against his and, placing the palms of his hands on his two thighs, he said to him:
        “O Muhammad! inform me about Islam.” The Messenger of Allah answered him: “Islam is that you bear witness that there is no god except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; that you accomplish the prayer; pay zakat; fast the month of Ramadan and make the pilgrimage to the Holy House if you have the possibility. »
        "You're right ! said the man. We were astonished to see him, questioning the Prophet, approving it. And the man continued: “Inform me about faith (al-iman). “It is, replied the Prophet, to believe in Allah, in His Angels, in His Books, in His Prophets, in the Last Day and to believe in the Destiny imparted in Good and Evil”.
        "You're right!" repeated the man who continued by saying: “Inform me about the Excellency (al-'ihsân). “It is, replied the Prophet, that you worship Allah as if you see Him, for if you do not see Him, He sees you. »
        The man says •. “Inform me about the Hour. The Prophet replied, “The person questioned knows no more than the questioner. The man then asked, "What are the warning signs?" “It is, says the Prophet, when the servant begets her mistress and when you see herdsmen, barefoot and badly dressed, competing in the erection of lofty buildings. »
        Thereupon the man left. As for me, I stayed a while. Then the Prophet asked me. “O Omar! do you know who was questioning? I answered: “Allah and His Messenger know more” “It is Jibril (the archangel Gabriel), said the prophet, who came to teach your religion.

        Topics covered in this book:

        • The profession of faith
        • Prayer (as-Salat)
        • Cleansing
        • Water: the element of purification
        • The major purification: "al-ghousl"
        • The minor purification: "al woudôu'"
        • The dry ablution "at-tayammum"
        • The elements of impurity
        • Invocation to recite after purification
        • The words of the prayer
        • The call to prayer "al-'adhan"
        • The announcement of the imminence of the prayer "al-iqâmah"
        • The "opening" chapter "al-fâtihah"
        • The chapter of sincerity or Pure Worship "al ikhlâs"
        • The glorification "At-tasbih"
        • Praise "Al-hamd"
        • The "as-soujoud" prostration
        • Greetings: the restricted tachahhud
        • The Abrahamic "Prayer"
        • The final greeting
        • The canonical prayers
        • Designation and distribution of their moments
        • How to read a prayer calendar
        • Some special supererogatory prayers
        • The purifying tax (az-Zakat)
        • Fasting (as-Siyam)
        • The pilgrimage (al-Hajj)

        Data sheet

        Mohammed Jamil Cherifi
        SUPPORT: -
        THEME : -
        Piliers de la Foi
        La Ruche
        Number of pages : -
        Volume Number: -
        EAN13: -

        Specific References

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        The 5 pillars of Islam according to Mohammed Jamil Cherifi

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        Return policy:20livraison sous 3-4 jours ouvrables