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    Nashr al Qira'at al 'Ashr, by ibn al-Jazari (5 volumes/Arabic)
    Nashr al Qira'at al 'Ashr, by ibn al-Jazari (5 volumes/Arabic)
    Nashr al Qira'at al 'Ashr, by ibn al-Jazari (5 volumes/Arabic)

    Nashr al Qira'at al 'Ashr, by ibn al-Jazari (5 volumes/Arabic)

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    The book "Nashr Al-Qira'at Al-Ashr" by Imam Ibn Al-Jazari, in 5 parts, edited and commented by Dr. Ayman Rashid Sweid, is an exhaustive compilation of the science of the ten Quranic readings. It includes the rules of Tajwid and the science of Quranic recitation, as well as numerous narrations and methods from the ten readings, explained with detail and commentary. The author, the honorable Ibn Al-Jazari, has compiled this information, clarified the terms, and provided explanations on the rules of recitation and other topics related to recitation. This book is a treasure trove of knowledge, an essential repository for future generations, and a valuable contribution to the preservation of this traditional science. It represents a true legacy of the ten Quranic readings, and anyone who claims that this science is obsolete should be reminded of its continued importance through the dissemination of this knowledge.

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      نشر القراءات العشر

      نشر القراءات العشر، لابن الجزري (5 أجزاء)، تحقيق و تعليق : الدكتور أي من رشدي سويد
      نشر القراءات العشر لإمام المقرئين محمد بن محمد المعروف بابن الجزر ي رحمه الله تعالى . وذلك في خمسة أجزاء
      هذا الكتاب من أصحِّ ما كُتِب في علم القراءات، فهو يتضمن خلاصة ما أل فه ابن الجزري في علم القراءات. مؤلف اشتمل على القراءات وعلى مقدمات وأصول في علم التجويد والرسم القرآني

      جمع الحافظ ابن الجزري رحمه الله في هذا الكتاب الكثيرَ من روايات وط رق القراءات العشر المتواترة، بأسانيدها المتصلة، مع شرح مصطلحاتها، مجملها، وتوجيه غامضها، وما تعلق بذلك من علوم الأداء؛ Remove the water from the water.
      ويقول عنه رحمه الله: كان من الواجب عليَّ التعريف بصحيح القراءات، و التوقيف على المقبول من منقول مشهور الروايات، فعمدت إلى أَثْبَت ما و صل إليَّ من القراءات، وأَوْثق ما صحَّ لديَّ من الروايات، عن الأئمة ا لعشرة قراء سالف الأعصار، واقتصرت عن كلِّ إمامٍ براويين، وعن كلِّ راوٍ بطريقين، وعن كلِّ طريقٍ بطريق ين: مغربية ومشرقية، مصرية وعراقية، مع ما يتصل إليهم من الطرق، ويتشع ب عنهم من الفرق،... وجمعتها في كتاب يرجع إليه، وسفر يعتمد عليه، لم أدع عن هؤلاء الثقات الأثبات حرفًا إلا ذكرته، ولا خُلْفًا إلا أثبتُّه، ولا إشكا لًا إلا بينتُه وأوضحته، ولا بعيدًا إلا قربتُه، ولا مفرقًا إلا جمعتُ ه ورتبتُه، منبِّهًا على ما صحَّ عنهم وشذَّ، وما انفرد به منفردٌ وفذٌّ ، ملتزمًا للتحرير والتصحيح والتضعيف والترجيح، معتبرًا للمتابعات والشواهد ، رافعًا إبهامَ التركيبِ بالعزو المحقق إلى كلِّ واحدٍ جمع طرقًا بي ن الشرق والغرب، فروى الوارد والصادر بالغرب، وانفرد بالإتقان والتحر ير، واشتمل جزء منه على كل ما في الشاطبية والتيسير; لأنَّ الذي فيهما عن السبعة أربعة عشر طريقًا، وأنت ترى كتابنا هذا ح وى ثمانين طريقًا تحقيقًا، غير ما فيه من فوائد لا تحصى ولا تحصر، وفرا الحقيقة أنَّ هذا العلم قد مات قيل له: ((حيي بالنشر)).

      Nashr al Qira'at al 'Ashr, by ibn al-Jazari (5 volumes), Production and commentary: Dr. Ayman Roshdi Sweid (Arabic Version)

      The book "Nashr Al-Qira'at Al-Ashr" by Imam Ibn Al-Jazari, in 5 parts, edited and commented by Dr. Ayman Rashid Sweid, is an exhaustive compilation of the science of the ten Quranic readings. It includes the rules of Tajwid and the science of Quranic recitation, as well as numerous narrations and methods from the ten readings, explained with detail and commentary. The author, the honorable Ibn Al-Jazari, has compiled this information, clarified the terms, and provided explanations on the rules of recitation and other topics related to recitation. This book is a treasure trove of knowledge, an essential repository for future generations, and a valuable contribution to the preservation of this traditional science. It represents a true legacy of the ten Quranic readings, and anyone who claims that this science is obsolete should be reminded of its continued importance through the dissemination of this knowledge.

      Author biography: Ibn Al Jazari

      Nicknamed Shams Ad-Dîn Abû Al-Khayr, Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn `Alî Ibn Yûsuf the Damascene, the Shafi`ite, better known under the name of Ibn Al-Jazrî in reference to the island of Ibn `Umar near Mosul where he is from., was born in Damascus on 25 Ramadan 751 AH
      He was a leading scholar in the art of Quranic recitation and the science of lectionaries (Al-Qirâ'ât). A Shafi`ite jurist, he was also recognized as a memorizer of the Hadith and carried out several works in history and linguistics. He trained with many masters, including Ibn Umaylah, Ibn Ash-Shîrjî, Ibn Abî `Umar, Ibrâhîm Ibn Ahmad Ibn Falâh, Abû Ath-Thanâ' Mahmûd Al-Minîguî and Kamâl Ad-Dîn Ibn Habîb. He studied Hadîth with `Imâd Ad-Dîn Ibn Kathîr, Ibn Al-Muhibb and Al-`Irâqî. He studied Islamic jurisprudence with Al-Isnawî, Al-Bulqînî and Bahâ' Ad-Dîn Abû Al-Baqâ' As-Subkî. He studied the sciences of foundations, rhetoric and linguistics with Diyâ' Ad-Dîn Al-Qarmî.
      He was authorized to perform the fatwâ, to teach and to recite the Koran by numerous scholars, such as Imam Ibn Kathîr. He took responsibility for various institutes such as Dâr Al-Hadîth Al-Ashrafiyyah and Turbat Umm As-Sâlih following his master Ibn As-Sullâr. He was in charge of missions on behalf of different monarchs, which led him to travel frequently and to disseminate knowledge wherever he went.
      He contributed nearly ninety works to the Islamic library in various disciplines ranging from his undisputed field, the science of lectionaries, to the Arabic language, including the science of Hadith, history and jurisprudence.
      He died at his home in Shiraz on 15 Rabî` Al-Awwal 833 AH and was buried in the school he had founded there.

      دار الغوثاني للدراسات القرآنية- ALGWTHANI

      Data sheet

      تاليف : محمد ابن الجزري ، تحقيق : الدكتور أيمن رشدي سويد (Auteur : Mohammad ibn al-Jazari - Réalisation: Dr. Ayman Roshdi Sweid)
      Arabe - العربــــــــية
      SUPPORT: -
      THEME : -
      القراءات (Lectures Coranques)
      Al Ghouthani
      Condition : -
      Number of pages : -
      SIZE (CM):
      17 x 24 cm
      Volume Number: -
      EAN13: -

      Specific References

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      Nashr al Qira'at al 'Ashr, by ibn al-Jazari (5 volumes/Arabic)

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