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Abrégé de l'exégèse d'ibn kathir (2 volumes)
Abrégé de l'exégèse d'ibn kathir (2 volumes)

Discover the magic of reading during the holy month of Ramadan with SANA Bookstore, your ultimate destination for an enriching exploration of Muslim literature. In this blessed month, we celebrate not only spirituality and piety, but also the power of knowledge and discovery through books.

At SANA, we believe in the importance of continuing education and personal growth. That's why we offer you a wide selection of inspiring books, ranging from the sacred texts of the Quran and Hadith to works on history, spirituality, biographies of the prophets, Islamic jurisprudence, and much more.

To make this month even more special, we are holding a draw every ten days from all orders placed on our site. This is our way of thanking our loyal community of readers and sharing the blessings of Ramadan with you. This year, we are pleased to announce that we will have three lucky winners:

     The first prize consists of a full refund of the winning order, providing a free and enriching reading experience.
     The runner-up prize offers a 50% order refund, allowing our lucky readers to enjoy a significant discount on their purchase.
     Finally, the third prize offers a 25% refund of the order, providing an opportunity to continue exploring our selection of books with an additional discount.

All winning prizes will be awarded in the form of a credit, valid for a full year, allowing you to benefit from your reward until the next Ramadan, insha'Allah.

Whether you're looking for resources to deepen your understanding of faith, inspiring stories to motivate you on your spiritual journey, or meaningful gifts for your loved ones, SANA Bookstore is here to serve you.

Join us as we celebrate the richness of Muslim culture and spirituality through the pages of our books. Ramadan Kareem and welcome to the SANA bookstore, where each book is an open door to knowledge and enlightenment.