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      CD audio album: ONE OUMMA VOICE with Amine RAHALI & Hela Najjar & Choirs
      CD audio album: ONE OUMMA VOICE with Amine RAHALI & Hela Najjar & Choirs
      CD audio album: ONE OUMMA VOICE with Amine RAHALI & Hela Najjar & Choirs
      CD audio album: ONE OUMMA VOICE with Amine RAHALI & Hela Najjar & Choirs
      CD audio album: ONE OUMMA VOICE with Amine RAHALI & Hela Najjar & Choirs
      CD audio album: ONE OUMMA VOICE with Amine RAHALI & Hela Najjar & Choirs
      CD audio album: ONE OUMMA VOICE with Amine RAHALI & Hela Najjar & Choirs
      CD audio album: ONE OUMMA VOICE with Amine RAHALI & Hela Najjar & Choirs
      CD audio album: ONE OUMMA VOICE with Amine RAHALI & Hela Najjar & Choirs
      CD audio album: ONE OUMMA VOICE with Amine RAHALI & Hela Najjar & Choirs
      CD audio album: ONE OUMMA VOICE with Amine RAHALI & Hela Najjar & Choirs
      CD audio album: ONE OUMMA VOICE with Amine RAHALI & Hela Najjar & Choirs
      CD audio album: ONE OUMMA VOICE with Amine RAHALI & Hela Najjar & Choirs
      CD audio album: ONE OUMMA VOICE with Amine RAHALI & Hela Najjar & Choirs
      CD audio album: ONE OUMMA VOICE with Amine RAHALI & Hela Najjar & Choirs

      CD audio album: ONE OUMMA VOICE with Amine RAHALI & Hela Najjar & Choirs

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      CD audio album: ONE OUMMA VOICE with Amine RAHALI & Hela Najjar & Chorales -1-Asma'ou-Llahi l'housna With. The Paradise's Voice choir,-2-THE KEY TO PARADISE,-3-BELIEVE IN YOU,-4-THANK YOU MY GOD,-5-TALA'A L'BADRO 'ALAYNA • In French/Arabic/English (CDAUDIO and downloadable version )

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        ONE OUMMA VOICE - To Heaven

        1. ASMA'OU-LLAHI L'HOUSNA with the Paradise's voice choir > 3:56

        Song of the 99 names of Allah

        2. THE KEY TO PARADISE > 03:32

        faith and belief song

        3. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF > 03:31

        Song Motivation and personal development

        4. THANK YOU MY GOD > 03:32

        humanitarian song

        5. TALA'A L'BADRO 'ALAYNA* • In French/Arabic/English > 04:41

        *The greatest classic of anachids



        Production & realization:

        Sana kids

        Words :

        Amine Rahali

        Music :

        Moslem Mokni & Artists Committee

        Main voice:

        Hela Najjar

        secondary voices:

        Amine Rahali, Moslem Mokni & Muslim Children's Choirs.

        With the participation of the group "Paradise's Voice"






        The subjects evoked in these magnificent songs and anachids, are all the actions that bring the most to Paradise (Tawhid, the 99 names of Allah, the love of the prophet, good behavior, humanitarianism and good deeds)


        This first album has already proven itself by reaching hundreds of thousands of children across France and around the world!

        through this splendid artistic creation of anachids, the author makes us live the most beautiful values of our noble Muslim religion. We appreciated the modern and contemporary side of the sounds, arrangements and melodies. Moreover, the beautiful interpretation of the group and the golden voice of the child Hela left us speechless! They made us vibrate, travel, escape!


        We particularly liked the melodies with jovial and motivating colors, but also perfectly understood this modern style well known and familiar to our young people, which will better send them the message conveyed by the author. Sensitize the child on; (good behavior, faith and Tawhid, and the love and knowledge of his Lord, the love of his prophet, the love of his neighbor and the help of the less fortunate throughout the world…etc .)

        But also,

        This presents a wonderful alternative to what they can listen to today, very often in opposition to our values on everything that can be found on social networks, Youtube or any other platform known to our young people.

        We let you enjoy the beautiful words, the composition and all the work, presenting the greatest classics of Islamic songs revisited up to date, which will not leave children and the whole family indifferent!




        Everyone can see his story so beautiful

        Child of faith call on the Lord,

        (chorus) Ya Hayyou, ya Qayyoum

        You're so close you answer my call

        Until infinity with a thousand wonders

        (choirs) Ya Qarib, ya Moujib

        You are my guide, my happiness and my light

        You are my peace and I know you love me

        (chorus) Ya Salam, ya Salam ya Salam

        Invoking you is a present adorned with gold

        Full of love, a treasure!

        (backing vocals) Ya Rahmane, ya Rahim x2

        CHORUS: أَسْمَاءُ اللهِ الحُسْنَى نَدْخُلُ بِهَا الجَنَّة

        بِأسْمَائكَِ الحُسْنىَ يَا رَبِّ اسْتَجِبْ لَنَا

        I call You by Your blessed names, ya rabi ya ilehiii,

        Take me to infinity, to the gardens of paradise

        I'm satisfied with what You gave me

        Thank you my God for having fulfilled me like this

        (backing vocals) Ya Chakour, ya Hamid x2

        Against those who prevent me from succeeding

        Give me the strength, the courage to achieve it

        (backing vocals) Ya Qawiyyou, ya 'Aziz x2

        There's no point in hiding

        Your Lord knows what you're doing

        (backing vocals) Al-'Alim, Al-Khabir x2

        Sometimes I get lost, I recognize my missteps

        I come back to You, saying forgive me

        (choirs) Ya Tawwab, ya Ghafour x2

        BRIDGE :

        With you I know where I'm going

        my horizons are illuminated,

        of Your presence my Lord,

        I couldn't do without

        (backing vocals) Anta N-nour,

        Al-Hadi, ihdini, ya Rabiiii x2

        CHORUS. x2



        مِفْتَاحُ الْجَنَّة مِفْتَاحُ الْجَنَّة

        Allah your Lord, He protects your heart

        It is He who preserves you from all misfortune

        Allah is one, no one can be the same

        To His strength and greatness

        لَبَّيْكَ رَبِي، عـَوْنَي سَنَدي

        وَاحَدٌ أَحَد، دَوْمًا يَهْدِينِي

        خَلَقَ الإنْسَان، وَوَصَّاهُ بِالإِحْسَان

        وَأَحْكَمَ كُلَّ الأَكْوَان

        CHORUS :

        At each step, do as rassoulillah...

        You will learn miftehou ljanna

        Tawheed and… Prayer in your life,

        This is the key to paradise!

        كُنْ رَحِيمًا ، مِثْلَ رَسُولِ اللَّه

        مُوَِحّدًا ، تَنَلِ الهُدَى

        كُنْ حَكِيمًا ، تَفْهَمْ سِرَّ الْحَيَاة

        وَتَجِدْ مِفْتَاحَ الْجَنَّة

        Kenz, Tariq, Jenna, and Houdhoud with you

        Travel to the great sages, for the letters of gold

        Fight Weswes, and be wise

        This is the path that leads to treasures

        هُدْهُدْ وَطَارِق ، كَنْزْ وَجَنَّة سَلَكُوا طَرِيقَ الْعـِلْمِ وَالْحُكَمَاء

        هَتَفُوا بِالتَّوْحِيد ، نَالُوا مِفْتَاحَ الْجَنَّة وَخَتَمُوا بِهَا الاُغْـنِيَة



        مِفْتَاحُ الْجَنَّة ، مِفْتَاحُ الْجَنَّة

        لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّه ٬ مُحَمَّد رَسُولُ اللَّه

        سُنَّةُ الأَنْبِيَاء ٬ تَوْحِيدُ الإِلَه



        Don't let anyone stop you from dreaming

        It's high time to surpass yourself

        Will they reach maturity?

        God knows your true worth

        He will help you overcome your fears

        Rise up and believe in all sincerity.

        Satisfying your awakened mind,

        Taste thoroughly the fruit of your peace

        To give the best of oneself

        Make everyone who loves you so proud

        Determined as ever

        you trust him

        enjoy your life

        Abandon all those who envy you

        اِرْفَعْ رَأْسَــكَ عَالِيًا وَادْعُ رَبَّكَ مُوقِنًا

        تَجِدْ نَفْسَكَ سَامِيًا وَرَدِّدْ مَعَنَا قَائِلاً

        CHORUS :

        Believe in yourself, believe in yourself,

        You are on the right track

        Believe in yourself, believe in yourself,

        God will guide your steps

        رَبَّنَا رَبَّنَا أَدْخِلْنَا الْجَــنَّة

        رَبَّنَا رَبَّنَا اِرْفْع الْـهِـــمَّة

        You are capable, yes! You can do it

        Don't deprive the world of your light

        And if sometimes you doubt yourself,

        Your potential, pray to the Lord

        No one is bound to the impossible

        With your momentum, you will hit your target

        Be Beneficent and Content

        Your success is to have tried



        لاَ رَجَا بِدُون عَمَل ، لاَ عَمَل بِدُون أَمَل

        لاَ مُحَال مَعَ الأَمَل ، تَوَكّل بِدُون مَلَل


        4. THANK YOU GOD

        Escape to the fields, the savannah

        Climb the top of the mountains

        Go off the beaten track

        To see the light on...

        on all those that I no longer saw

        I've seen so many tears

        that there were no injuries

        Thinking of those who have no other choice

        After Allah, they only have you

        CHORUS :

        thank you god thank you

        لَكَ الْحَمْدُ يَا إِلَهِي , أُمَّتِي أُمَّتِي

        Let's all be united,

        يَا مُسْلِمُ لاَ تَـنْـسَانِي

        Just a little humanity

        قُـمْ وَكُـنْ إِنْسَانِي

        you win your paradise

        Saving the world is not your responsibility

        A well, a plantation; " a gold mine "

        Be sensible, show kindness

        His smile finally took shape

        He was frozen there, waiting for his destiny

        Look at their smile, will you be dazzled!

        This is true happiness, which will remain for life


        When you recite the few verses

        Will you be like those who wept...

        of not being able to give anything.

        Most generous of nations,

        to their suffering to stand up and say NO!

        So little is so big in their eyes

        My child, you deserve to be happy

        CHORUS. x2


        5. TALA'A L'BADRO 'ALAYNA In French/Arabic/English*

        The full moon, rose over us

        From the hills of Al-Wadâa`

        Gratitude came upon us

        He calls to his Lord

        He calls to his Lord

        The envoy, of God among us!

        You came, full of obedience

        Honored by your presence

        Welcome to the best of messengers!

        Welcome to the best of messengers!

        طَلَعَ البَدْرُ عَلَيـْنَا

        مِنْ ثَـنـِيَّاتِ الْوَدَاع

        وَجَبَ الشُّكْرُ عَلَيْنَا

        مَا دَعَا لِلّهِ دَاع

        أَيُّهَا الـمَـبْعُوثُ فِينَا

        جِئْتَ بِالْأمْرِ الْـمُطَاع

        جِـئْتَ شَرَّفْتَ الْـمَدِيـنَة

        مَرْحَباً يَا خَـيْرَ دَاع

        Oh the white moon, rose over us

        From the Valley of Wadaa'

        And we owe it, to show gratefulness

        Where the call is to Allah

        Where the call is to Allah

        CHORUS x2:

        Tala'al-Badrou 'alayna,

        Min thaniyyatil-Wadâa'

        Wajaba ash-shoukrou 'alayna,

        Ma da'a lillahi da'

        Ma da'a lillahi da'

        * SANA Media

        Data sheet

        Amine Rahali
        Arabe Français
        SUPPORT: -
        SANA AUDIO

        Specific References

        Magnifique !

        Magnifique ! ????

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        CD audio album: ONE OUMMA VOICE with Amine RAHALI & Hela Najjar & Choirs

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