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    The PATH of FAITH (from As-Sallabi)
    The PATH of FAITH (from As-Sallabi)

    The PATH of FAITH (from As-Sallabi)

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    The PATH of FAITH or "Discovering the Splendor of Allah" : Dr. as-Sallâbi proposes, in this book, to redefine with clarity all the concepts related to faith and monotheism. The beauty of a science being a function of the nobility of the subject, no discipline can compete with that which is interested in the greatness of Allah.

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      Faith in Allah is the founding principle in the journey of the believer. She is the spark that animates his heart. Only, for it to shine, it is essential to feed it continuously. Knowledge, reflection and good understanding are therefore decisive elements for the believer.

      Dr. as-Sallâbi proposes, in this work, to redefine with clarity all the concepts related to faith and monotheism. The beauty of a science being a function of the nobility of the subject, no discipline can compete with that which is interested in the greatness of Allah.

      Here, then, is monotheism in its purest form, the deep meaning of adoration. Discover with Dr. as-Sallâbi what are the necessary conditions for true faith, what opposes it or even cancels it. Allah, His Names and Attributes, uniqueness (at-Tawhid), exclusive devotion (al-lkhlâs), faith (al-îmân), worship (al-lbâda), disbelief (al-Kufr) , hypocrisy (an-Nifâq) etc.,

      So many notions that you will have to tame in order to move forward on good, healthy and fruitful bases, and that you will have the pleasure of discovering or rediscovering over the course of these pages.

      About the Author

      Born in Benghazi (Libya) in 1963 (1383 H.), he obtained a license with Mention "Excellence" at the Faculty of Preaching and Religious Sciences of the University of Medina where he graduated first in his class.

      He then obtained in 1996 his Master's degree at the Islamic University of Umm Darman (Ondurman) near Khartoum in Sudan with the presentation of his thesis entitled: "The middle way of the Noble Koran".

      Finally, he finished his university course in 1999 with the obtaining of his doctorate whose thesis presented the concepts of victory and reinforcement in the Koran.

      A prolific writer, he is recognized in particular for his writings with historical content on the Umayyad State, the various doctrines, as well as the biographies of the Caliphs, Umar Ibn al-Khattâb, Ali Ibn Abi Tâlib and Salah ad-Dîn al-Ayubi.

      IIPH Editions

      Data sheet

      Dr As-SALLABI
      SUPPORT: -
      THEME : -
      Piliers de la Foi
      Number of pages : -
      331 P

      Specific References

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      Return policy:20livraison sous 3-4 jours ouvrables