Reference : 9782412022467

A super practical and colorful conversation guide, with a mini-dictionary included + free MP3 content, at €7.95!

€7.39 €7.95 7% (Tax incl.)

Data sheet

Reliure : Softcover
Langues : .French + Arabic
*YEAR : 2018
SUPPORT: - : Livre
THEME : - : La Langue Arabe
Éditions : First
Condition : - : New

More info -

Are you going on a trip to the Maghreb? Stopping over in Dubai? Are you visiting the Middle East? This conversation guide is for you!
It describes all the common situations travelers may encounter:
- contact a tour operator
- to make a reservation
- take public transport
- visit a city, museums…
- make purchases and use services
- go out and do activities
- manage emergencies

The emphasis is on the specific needs of travelers but the book also contains tips to facilitate the learning and use of Arabic and cultural information on the customs and specialties of the different countries that use Arabic.
So, when are you leaving?

With a mini-dictionary + MP3 content offered!

Originally from Morocco, Amine Bouchentouf is an Arabic teacher in the United States.
Aboubakr Chraïbi is an Arabic teacher at INALCO.
Sylvie Chraïbi is agrégé in Arabic and teaches at the Romain-Rolland high school in Argenteuil.

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