The long journey, the walk of repentance

Reference : 9782848622989

The Long Journey: The Walk of Repentance

The long journey, an illustrated story that the Prophets (SWS) told us. The story of this man who had killed a hundred people during his life and who, despite all his murders, desperately sought Allah's forgiveness. exciting story rich in teaching for our children with a simple narrative style.

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Data sheet

Reliure : agrafée, papier brillant
Auteurs : Collectif
Langues : .Français
*YEAR : 2014
SUPPORT: - : Livre
Éditions : TAWHID
Condition : - : New
Number of pages : - : 40
SIZE (CM): : 21.5 cm × 27 cm
Weight (kg): - : 0.155

More info -

Title: The long journey

Edition: Tawheed

Illustrations: Neila Andrieux

Summary :

The long journey, an illustrated story that the Prophets (SWS) told us. The story of this man who had killed a hundred people during his life and who, despite all his murders, desperately sought Allah's forgiveness. A fascinating and instructive story for our children. The story highlights the many qualities of Allah, among which Mercy is one of his most beautiful names (Subhanahu). A story where repentance has become a quest for this sinful man, a difficult and long quest, to finally find Allah's forgiveness. It is also a story where the place of knowledge is very important before any legislation

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