Effective treatment for stress and anxiety

Reference : 9782930428482

Title:The effective treatment of stress and anxiety Support:Books Edition:ALMADINA

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Éditions : ALMADINA
Distributeurs : Sana

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Title: The Effective Treatment of Stress and Anxiety

Author: Adil Fathi Abd-Allah

Publisher: ALMADINA

Medium: Book

Theme: Civilization of Islam

Description: Stress and anxiety are really two phenomena that characterize our time. Despite the many books that have developed this subject and the many studies and research carried out, this disease continues to proliferate. Most books deal with this subject from a materialistic point of view. Despite the fact that Islam dealt with this subject perfectly and prescribed the effective remedy for it fourteen centuries ago, studies in this direction are rare. Those who have developed this subject in their books, have spoken of a great role of faith in the domination of stress and anxiety and of its contribution in the evolution of the human spirit towards psychic balance in order to enjoy perfect mental health, but they do not set out in their search for a purely spiritual principle…

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