Being Western and Muslim Today, by Tariq Ramadan (Paperback)

Reference : 9782352879053

Tariq Ramadan calls on Muslims to assume the "third age" of their institutional presence in the West to engage lucidly and courageously, with their fellow citizens, around projects of openness that go beyond the sole Islamic reference.

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Data sheet

Auteurs : Tariq Ramadan
Langues : .Français
*YEAR : 2016
SUPPORT: - : Livre
THEME : - : Société & Témoignages
Éditions : Archipoche
Condition : - : New
Number of pages : - : 510
SIZE (CM): : 11 x 17,8 cm

More info -

Being Western and Muslim Today, by Tariq Ramadan (Pocket)

Debates on “visible signs”, questions of “identity” and integration of “Western values”:

For fifteen years, media controversies have been accompanied by a rise in fear, identity withdrawals and populist slogans.

And yet, Western Islam is on the march. Muslims in Europe, Canada and the United States have established themselves in their respective countries and defend their values there.

This spirit of harmony, alas, is threatened by a management of the "Muslim question" according to crises and the electoral calendar.

The questions carrying a real intellectual revolution are avoided: how to remain both faithful to one's values and in phase with one's environment?

What conceptions of education, citizenship, social, political, cultural and economic participation stem from this membership which has become a reality?

Finally, what can we expect from the always necessary intercultural and interreligious dialogue?

Tariq Ramadan calls on Muslims to assume the "third age" of their institutional presence in the West to engage lucidly and courageously, with their fellow citizens, around projects of openness that go beyond the sole Islamic reference.

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