Forty tips for reforming homes

Reference : 9782930395074

Title: Forty Tips for Reforming Homes

Author: Muhammad salih al-munajjid

Publisher: ALHADITH

Medium: Book

Theme: Family Library

Description: Both the sacred texts and sound reason indicate that no reform of any society can sincerely be envisaged without the reform of the homes.

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Title: Forty Tips for Reforming Homes

Author: Muhammad salih al-munajjid

Publisher: ALHADITH

Medium: Book

Theme: Family Library

Description: Both the sacred texts and sound reason indicate that no reform of any society can sincerely be envisaged without the reform of the homes. The family nucleus is indeed at the heart of any process of improvement on any scale whatsoever and at different levels: religious, moral, social, economic, political, etc. It is only when the precepts of religion are observed in this microcosm that each of our families represents, and when the dogma, faith, practice and behavior of Muslims reflect the reality of Islam, that they will be able to to recover from their decadence which has lasted only too long and whose illustrations are unfortunately as obvious as they are numerous. To resume their place in the course of history and among the nations, to contribute again to modern civilization and to guide mankind from darkness to light by the will of Allah. In this work, the author brings his stone to the building of the reform of the family by lavishing on us forty pieces of advice which represent as many means of restoring the role of the Muslim household and of reconstructing our Islamic identity on the basis of the texts of the Koran and the Sunnah. May these tips be beneficial to us and find an echo in our daily lives.

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