The interpretation of dreams

Reference : 9782908087048

Dream Interpretation:

 The interpretation of Dreams attributed to Ibn Sîrîn, oneiromancer and traditionist with a confirmed reputation, and whose reading still enjoys great popular success today, presents the non-Arabic reader with a fundamental aspect of the Muslim imagination through this minor genre. .

€6.98 €7.50 7% (Tax incl.)

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Éditions : Alif
Distributeurs : Sana

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Dream Interpretation:

The interpretation of dreams has always aroused the curiosity of all societies, even if they are desacralized as is the case with ours. From the dream of the prophet Joseph to that of Nebuchadnezzar, passing through the visions of the fathers of the desert or those of Anne Catherine Emmerich, there is not a community that has not considered the dream as a message to be decoded properly in order to make the most of it, both spiritually and temporally. Islamic society has not escaped the rule and the dream is still today one of the elements that Muslims use to regulate their conduct. Islam has moreover practically ritualized this attitude since there is a prayer qualified as a “request for the best course to take”, following which the believer hopes to see in a dream the answer to his request. The interpretation of Dreams attributed to Ibn Sîrîn, oneiromancer and traditionist with a confirmed reputation, and whose reading still enjoys great popular success today, presents the non-Arabic reader with a fundamental aspect of the Muslim imagination through this minor genre. .

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