Manual of answered invocations, by Ibn Daud (Frensh)

Reference : 9781916824003

The Manual of Answered Invocations, by Jamal Parekh (Ibn Daud) offers a unique approach to emotional healing through invocations inspired by the Quran and the Sunnah. This manual goes beyond a simple compilation of du'as, offering an elaborate system for connecting emotions to invocations. By following these teachings, readers are guided to spiritual knowledge and steadfast obedience to Allah. Recommended by experts, this book is an essential resource for invoking and finding inspiration in difficult times.

€25.00 (Tax incl.)

Data sheet

Reliure : Hardcover
Auteurs : Jamal Parekh (Ibn Daud)
Langues : .Français
Condition : - : New
Number of pages : - :
SIZE (CM): :

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Manual of answered invocations

Author: Jamal Parekh (Ibn Daud)

Explore emotional healing with Ibn Daud's "Handbook of Answered Invocations." A unique spiritual guide based on invocations from the Quran and Sunnah. Inspiring and recommended by experts

Fourth cover

Today, depression and multiple illnesses of the soul have become widespread. Some of us find ourselves consumed by doubts and emotional distress. 700 years ago, a pious predecessor gave us the keys to healing. A universal, free psychotherapy based on speech:

"Like these pious predecessors whose footsteps we follow, we in turn seek, in the Holy Quran and the authentic Hadiths, the roads that lead to eternal reward with Allah, with the help of invocations that He will answer , if he wants.

This book, which is based on our first work Manual of Spiritual Medicine, is not a simple selection of du'as. Rather, it offers a carefully crafted system to connect our emotions to the most beautiful invocations. These duas are all based on the same intention, positive and profound: to transport us, with a smile and the noblest behavior, towards ma'rifat (knowledge of the highest realities) and istiqama (constancy in obedience to Allah), objectives to which, deep down, every Muslim aspires.

To read absolutely and to keep as a reference in order to understand and memorize these invocations taken from the Koran and the Sunnah. They are so fundamental and salutary in the face of the most difficult trials and in the most painful moments." Dr Shaykh Ashraf Makadam

Director of the Madani Schools Federation Foundation, United Kingdom.

“The “Handbook of Answered Duplications” is a valuable tool for all who seek a deeper relationship with Allah and hope for His ongoing love and support. An essential resource to adopt to invoke and be inspired." Shaykh Faheem bin Ismaeel

Director of “The Imam Muhammad Adam Institute”, United Kingdom


  • Glossary of emotions
  • Author's journey
  • Recommendations
  • Thanks
  • How to use this manual?
  • Introduction to the “Architecture of Invocation”
    • Islamic methodology
    • << Architecture of Invocation >>
      • What is a du'a'?
      • Why are invocations important? What are their benefits?
      • What are the requirements for summons? In what contexts are they easily fulfilled? What is the correct way to make an invocation? How to ensure that an invocation is answered?
    • Love of this world
    • Avarice
    • Aversion to death
    • Anger
    • Trust in other than Allah
    • Fear of poverty
    • Debauchery or Greed
    • Hardness of heart
    • Envy
    • Extravagance
    • Fantasy
    • Fraud
    • Hate
    • Illusion
    • Unawareness of benefits or Ingratitude
    • Injustice
    • Carelessness
    • Dissatisfaction with criticism and blame
    • Discontent with the Divine Decree
    • Mockery
    • Ostentation or Showoff
    • Blameful withholding
    • Negative feelings
    • Concern for reputation
    • Vanity
    • Boasting, Arrogance and Pride
  • Glossary of the Excellent Names of Allah
  • Glossary of Arabic terms
  • Bibliography
  • The manual team

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