Quranic invocations & Salvatory Suras

Reference : 9782356350053

Title:Quranic invocations & Salvatory Surahs Support:Video Edition:ORIENTICA

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Title: Quranic invocations & Salvatory Suras

Author: Houdhaifi - Soudays - Churaim

Publisher: ORIENTICA

Medium: DVD

Theme: Invocation of God (TPTM)

Description: This DVD brings together the Koranic verses containing the best invocations that it is possible to make for a Muslim, since indeed there are no better invocations than those revealed by God in the Holy Koran or than those that we have taught the prophet‹. The DVD also contains the section “The saving suras”, it is a set of meritorious and protective suras that are beneficial to read and learn. Several hadîth have cited the merits and benefits of certain suras or certain verses of the Holy Quran such as Surat Al-Fâtihâ, the last three suras of the Quran (Al-Ikhlâs and Al Mu'awidatayn, the two protectors), Ayatul-Kursî (The Verse of the Throne), Surat Al-Moulk (The Royalty), Yâ-Sîn, etc. The Koranic invocations are chanted by Sheikh Al-Houdhayfî and translated into French. Duration: 25 mins. The saving Suras are chanted by Cheikh Soudays and Cheikh Churaym with translation into French. Duration: 1 hour.

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