Faith in the Prophets

Reference : 9781915302359

Faith in the Prophets: Everything You Need to Know Before Reading the Stories of the Prophets. Explanation by the Greatest Scholars with Over 15 Hadiths about the Prophets. Get ready to explore the stories of the prophets, including those of Ibn Kathir.

€7.00 (Tax incl.)

Data sheet

Reliure : Softcover
Auteurs : Œuvre collective
*YEAR : 2024
SUPPORT: - : Livre
THEME : - : Piliers de la Foi
Éditions : Le droit chemin
Condition : - : New
Number of pages : - :
SIZE (CM): :

More info -

Faith in the Prophets is often only briefly discussed, leaving many questions related to this pillar unanswered by Muslims. To equip believers with solid knowledge, we have curated multiple entries from the Encyclopedia of Islamic Doctrine.

This includes explanations from prominent scholars, both ancient such as Ibn Taymiyya, Ibn Al-Qayyim, An-Nawawi, and the judge 'Iyad, as well as contemporary figures like Shaykhs Ibn Baz, Al-Uthaymin, and Al-Fawzan.

Additionally, authentic Hadiths about the prophets are provided, accompanied by scholarly commentary. This resource serves as an ideal preparation before delving into renowned works like Ibn Kathir's Stories of the Prophets

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