The Faith of the Muslim, by Muhammad Al-Ghazali

Reference : 9782752400703

The Faith of the Muslim, by Muhammad Al-Ghazali.

The seed of the Muslim faith can develop in people's minds and reach maturity only by following the method laid down by Islam itself, which, in its way of developing the faith, addresses the heart as much as 'to human reason, arouses feelings as much as reflection, stimulates inner emotions as much as the cognitive faculty.

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Data sheet

Reliure : Hardcover
Auteurs : Muhammad Al-Ghazâlî
Langues : .Français
*YEAR : 2014
SUPPORT: - : Livre
THEME : - : Piliers de la Foi
Condition : - : New
Number of pages : - : 398
Weight (kg): - : 0.729
.Translation : - : Zahra Larbi

More info -

The Faith of the Muslim, by Muhammad Al-Ghazali

The reason that prompted me to write this book on faith is that there are few studies devoted to this part of the religious sciences that present this subject in a form that meets the expectations of Muslims today. I therefore thought of expounding the scientific principles of the Muslim faith in a form that differs from the books that people are accustomed to reading on the subject, and which they consider to be part of our religious culture. . Not that I want to bring anything new on the matter; simply I wish to measure the Moslem doctrine with the yardstick of the practical experiment, to benefit from the events which enamelled the history of Islâm and to borrow the exclusive way of the Texts of Coran and Sunna.

The seed of the Muslim faith can develop in people's minds and reach maturity only by following the method laid down by Islam itself, which, in its way of developing the faith, addresses the heart as much as 'to human reason, arouses feelings as much as reflection, stimulates inner emotions as much as the cognitive faculty.

About the Author: Muhammad Al-Ghazali
Considered one of the most eminent Muslim scholars of our time, Muhammad Al-Ghazali is a prolific author to whom we owe more than ninety books. He is one of the main architects of the Islamic renewal of our time. Just as Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali (1058-1111) Muhammad Al-Ghazali (1917-1996) deployed himself, drawing on the teachings of Islam, to revive and renew the religion as well as to arouse life in the inert body of the community.

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