The Shard of Faith

Reference : 9782914246323

The Shard of Faith

Author: Ibn Qudama Al-Maqdisi

Publisher: SABIL

Theme: Pillars of FAITH

Faced with the confusion that was to reign in the 6th and 7th centuries of the Hegira, the Muslims asked the learned and learned Ibn Quadama al Maqdissi to write them a collection of the foundations of the faith of the traditionalists (Ahl al hadith).

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Data sheet

Auteurs : Ibn Qudama Al-Maqdissi

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Title: Shard of Faith

Author: Ibn Qudama Al-Maqdisi

Publisher: SABIL

Medium: Book

Theme: Pillars of FAITH

Description: Faced with the confusion that was to reign in the 6th and 7th century of the Hegira, the Muslims asked the learned and learned Ibn Quadama al Maqdissi to write them a collection of the foundations of the faith of the traditionalists (Ahl al hadith). We wanted to give a translation of it in order to add it to our list of translations, treatises on traditionalist dogma, written at different times and in different places.

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