Islam, a complete religion, by Muhammad Ash-Shanquiti, Bilingual (Arabic-French)

Reference : 9781957540078

The ten irrefutable arguments

This book contains an extremely intelligent argument on the perfect aspect of Islam. In ten points, the Shaykh succeeds in demonstrating to anyone that not only is Islam the religion of truth, but also that it is perfectly complete in all areas. A book to be recommended and learned by heart by all Muslims.

€9.00 (Tax incl.)

Data sheet

Reliure : Softcover
Auteurs : Muhammad Al-Amîne Ash-Shanqitî
Langues : Arabe - العربــــــــية
Langues : .Français
*YEAR : 2024
TRANSLATION : Traduit, adapté et commenté par : Abu Chouayb Abderahmân Ibn Maamar - Umm Chouayb Zakia bint Khoder
SUPPORT: - : Livre
THEME : - : Religion, Islam
Éditions : Al Bidar
Condition : - : New
Number of pages : - : 175
SIZE (CM): : 13 x 18 cm

More info -

Islam, a complete religion: The ten irrefutable arguments, by Muhammad Al-Amîne Ash-Shanqitî, Bilingual (Arabic-French)

Translated, adapted and commented by: Abu Chouayb Abderahmân Ibn Maamar - Umm Chouayb Zakia bint Khoder - Full bilingual Arabic-French text - Fully vocalized Arabic part - Table of 922 Arabic words translated into French

This book contains an extremely intelligent argument on the perfect aspect of Islam. In ten points, the Shaykh succeeds in demonstrating to anyone that not only is Islam the religion of truth, but also that it is perfectly complete in all areas.


This book is two books in one:

– on the one hand, it contains the original Arabic version to which we have added all the Arabic vowels (tashkîl),

– on the other hand, its adaptation in French version with some comments.

A glossary has also been made available to the reader at the end of the book. We have tried to facilitate the reading of this book, as well as its understanding, which is why many of our brothers and sisters have read it again and shared their observations with us, may Allah reward them.


The author, Muhammad Al-Amîne Ash-Shanqîtî was born at the beginning of the last century in 1905, and he died in 1973. A recognized scholar in Mauritania but also a judge, he settled in 1947 in Mecca, where he successively occupied the positions of teacher, judge, and finally recognized scholar of the Kingdom. He had a large number of students, some of whom will in turn become illustrious scholars, such as Shaykh Ibn Bâz, Shaykh al'Uthaymine, Shaykh Hammad Al-Ansari, and many others, may Allah grant to all His mercy. We owe him a large number of works, including his famous Tafsîr, known as Adwa al-Bayân. The book Islam, a Perfectly Complete Religion was written following a visit to the Shaykh of Morocco's King Mohamed V, in January 1960. The Shaykh gave a lecture entitled الاسلام دين كامل (which means Islam a Perfectly Complete Religion) , in the presence of the King of Morocco, a conference which received general approval and which was transcribed in the form of this work.

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