Makkah's story

Reference : 9789960892658

Title: The Story of Makkah

Author: S. R. Mubarakpuri


Medium: Book

Theme: Pillars of ISLAM

Evokes the different aspects of Makkah and records the most important historical events having an effect on the establishment, the sacredness of Makkah. Sheds light on Makkah's most important sites such as the Black Stone, the Well of Zamzam,...

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Langues : .Français

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Title: The Story of Makkah

Author: S. R. Mubarakpuri


Medium: Book

Theme: Pillars of ISLAM

Description: Evokes the different aspects of Makkah and records the most important historical events having a direct effect on the establishment, the sacredness and the religious weight of Makkah. Sheds light on the most important sites of Makkah such as the Black Stone, the Well of Zamzam, etc. Records the expansions of the Kaabah and the Sacred Mosque that took place from the time of Mohammad (pbuh) until the Saudi era. At the end of the book, there is a complete appendix on the pilgrimage and its rites.

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