The abandonment of prayer

Reference : 9782917113332

Title: The Abandonment of Prayer

Author: Sheikh Al Albani

Publisher: DAR AL MUSLIM

Medium: Book

Theme: Pillars of ISLAM

Among the most sensitive subjects, with the most serious consequences, is the status of those who abandon prayer. Historically, scholars have differed on this subject. Even today some present their opinions by arguing. The scholar Al Albani is one of those.

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Langues : .Français
Distributeurs : Orientica

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Title: The Abandonment of Prayer

Author: Sheikh Al Albani

Publisher: DAR AL MUSLIM

Medium: Book

Theme: Pillars of ISLAM

Description: Among the most sensitive subjects, with the most serious consequences, is the status of those who abandon prayer. Historically, scholars have differed on this subject. Even today some present their opinions by arguing. The scholar Al Albani is one of those. His talents as a contradictor radiate through these lines and despite the accusations of his opponents, real benefits emerge from this reading, as his pupil says: "First: many of those who had abandoned prayer, whether bewildered and lost people, or brazen perverts, have come back to the path of truth and the straight path. 'postasy? - so that the conclusion corresponds to the position of the happy medium, without showing extremism or laxity, in accordance with the eminent dogma of the Ahl As-Sunnah..."

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