Know Islam according to Ali Tantawi

Reference : 9789953817187

Knowing Islam is a book that exposes Islam as a solid faith based on the Oneness of God, and necessary for the development of man and society. This book is addressed to the non-Muslim in search of God and wishing to know the Muslim faith, but also to the Muslim who wishes to strengthen his faith.

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Data sheet

Auteurs : Ali Tantawi
Langues : .Français
*YEAR : 2008
SUPPORT: - : Livre
THEME : - : Bibliothèque des Etudiants
Éditions : IBNHAZM
Number of pages : - : 372
SIZE (CM): : 21,5 x 14,5
Weight (kg): - : 0.555
EAN13: - : 9789953817187

More info -

This book is addressed to the non-Muslim in search of God and wishing to know the Muslim faith, but also to the Muslim who wishes to strengthen his faith. The author answers the fundamental questions in a clear style: Who is the man? Where is he from ? What is its future? Is belief in God necessary? How to conceive the justice of God? How to enter Heaven and escape Hell? What are the fruits of faith? The author insists on the dimensions of Faith, namely that God is the Lord, the Master, and the only one worthy of worship.

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