Ibn Al Jazari- AR

Reference : 6222011501046

Book in Arabic Jami' chorouh Al-Mouqadima Al-Jazariya fi 'ilm al tajweed (Compendium of explanations of the preamble Al-Jazariya in the science of psalmody)
Find in this book the explanations of Shaykh Khalid Al Azhari and Shaykh Zakaryya Al-Ansarî of the preamble Al-Jazariya (Al-Muqadima Al-Jazariya), the famous poem on the rules of tajweed of the Koran of Imam Muhammad ibn al-Jazari

€4.50 (Tax incl.)

Data sheet

Reliure : Softcover
Auteurs : Imam Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Yusuf al-Jazari - محمد بن علي بن يوسف الجزري
Langues : Arabe - العربــــــــية
*YEAR : 2008
SUPPORT: - : Livre
THEME : - : Le Saint CORAN
Condition : - : New
Number of pages : - : 136
SIZE (CM): : 16.6 cm × 23.6 cm
Weight (kg): - : 0.166

More info -

Jami' chorouh Al-Mouqadima Al-Jazariya fi 'ilm al tajweed (Compendium of explanations of the preamble of Al-Jazariya in the science of psalmody)
Find in this book the explanations of Shaykh Khalid Al Azhari and Shaykh Zakariyya Al-Ansarî of the preamble Al-Jazariya (Al-Muqadima Al-Jazariya), the famous poem on the rules of tajweed of the Koran of Imam Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Yusuf al-Jazari

This book is part of the charh al mutun al ilmiyah (explanation of scientific poems) series.

Biography of the author: Ibn Al Jazari
Nicknamed Shams Ad-Dîn Abû Al-Khayr, Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn `Alî Ibn Yûsuf the Damascene, the Shâfi`ite, better known under the name of Ibn Al-Jazrî in reference to the island of Ibn `Umar near Mosul where he is from., was born in Damascus on 25 Ramadan 751 AH
He was a leading scholar in the art of Koranic recitation and the science of lectionaries (Al-Qirâ'ât). A Shafi`ite jurist, he was also recognized as a memorizer of the Hadith and committed several works in history and linguistics. He trained with many masters, among them Ibn Umaylah, Ibn Ash-Shîrjî, Ibn Abî `Umar, Ibrâhîm Ibn Ahmad Ibn Falâh, Abû Ath-Thanâ' Mahmûd Al-Minîguî and Kamâl Ad-Dîn Ibn Habîb. He studied Hadîth with `Imâd Ad-Dîn Ibn Kathîr, Ibn Al-Muhibb and Al-`Irâqî. He studied Islamic jurisprudence with Al-Isnawî, Al-Bulqînî and Bahâ' Ad-Dîn Abû Al-Baqâ' As-Subkî. He studied the sciences of foundations, rhetoric and linguistics with Diya' Ad-Dîn Al-Qarmî.
He was authorized to fatwâ, teaching and Koranic recitation by many scholars, such as Imâm Ibn Kathîr. He took responsibility for various institutes such as Dâr Al-Hadîth Al-Ashrafiyyah and Turbat Umm As-Salih following his master Ibn As-Sullâr. He was in charge of missions on behalf of various monarchs, which led him to travel frequently and to disseminate knowledge wherever he went.
He contributed nearly ninety works to the Islamic library in various disciplines ranging from his undisputed domain, the science of the lectionaries, to the Arabic language, through the science of Hadith, history and jurisprudence.
He died at his home in Shiraz on 15 Rabi` Al-Awwal 833 AH and was buried in the school he had founded there.

جامع شروح المقدمة الجزرية في علم التجويد ابن الجزري
الفضيلة العلامة خالد الأزهري ،و العلام محمد ابن محمد ابن محمد ابن علي ابن يوسف الجزري رحمه الله
المقدمة الجزرية هي منظومة في تجويد الكلمات القرآنية، لشيخ القراء الشيخ العلامة محمد بن محمد بن محمد بن علي بن يوسف الجزري
كتاب من سلسلة شرح المتون العلمية ،سلسلة نفيسة تضم جوانب عديدة: متو ن العقيدة، أصول التفسير و قواعده و أصول الفقه و علم الفرائض و علم الت جويد و مصطلح الحديث و علوم اللغة

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