THE PRINCIPLES OF GOVERNMENT IN ISLAM: The Caliphate and its evolution (Frensh)

Reference : 9791092883138

This work "THE PRINCIPLES OF GOVERNMENT IN ISLAM: The Caliphate and its evolution", written by 'Abd ar-Razzaq as-Sanhoûri, explores the history and doctrine of Islamic governance, shedding light on the concept of the Caliphate from its beginnings in the Medinan era until its disappearance in 1924. The author examines the position of the Caliphate in Muslim law, its functioning, and its evolution over time. By addressing current issues in Muslim countries, this book remains of great relevance for those interested in the relationships between law, power and religion in Islam.

€40.00 (Tax incl.)

Data sheet

Reliure : Hardcover
Langues : .Français
*YEAR : 2023
SUPPORT: - : Livre
THEME : - :
Éditions : Al Qalam
Condition : - : New
Number of pages : - :

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The notion of government in Islam was imposed from the Medina period and more seriously with the disappearance of the Prophet when the need for state management arose, this in the 7th century at the beginning of the Middle Ages. The first rulers took the title of Caliph, literally "who comes after", and the term Caliphate designated the function. Over the centuries, the Caliphate lost its original meaning and disappeared in 1924 after the First World War and with the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Today, returning to this notion is important in order to understand the concept of government in Islam. What is the Caliphate? What are the attributions and role of the Caliph? What are its powers both religiously and politically? What relationship does he have with the Nation?

This work by 'Abd ar-Razzaq as-Sanhoûri (1895-1971), a great figure in 20th century jurisprudence, sheds light on these questions. It presents the institution of the Caliphate in the doctrinal and historical sense of the term. First of all, he analyzes the position of the Caliphate in Muslim law, its mode of investiture, its functioning and its end. Then he studies the evolution of the Caliphate, from its origins to its disappearance. Next, he reviews the various Muslim countries in their social and political state. Finally, he draws conclusions for the future from the teaching of the past and the study of the state of the Muslim world. The author wanted to rebuild unity between Muslim peoples and, more broadly, for them to participate in true collaboration on a world scale in the interest of humanity.

This book demonstrates an astonishing relevance for rethinking the relationships between law, power and religion in Islam and for analyzing the current political issues in Muslim countries, in the Middle East in particular.

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