تفاصيل الجمل: شرح لاميّة ابن الوردي - Tafâsîl Al Jumal: Sharh Lâmiat Ibn Al Wardi, by Dr. Abd Al Aziz Al Harbi (Arabic Version)

Reference : 9786144163290

Tafâsîl Al Jumal is the commentary of the famous poem entitled " Lamiyat Ibn Al Wardi ", a major work of Arabic poetry, which includes a set of quotations and proverbs. Its commentator Dr. Dr. Abd Al Aziz Al Harbi explained the poem with a simple, clear and accessible style. Indispensable book for any student of literature or the Arabic language.
€6.51 €7.00 7% (Tax incl.)

Data sheet

Reliure : نوع التجليد :مجلد (Couverture: Rigide)
Auteurs : د. عبد العزيز الحربي (Dr. Abd Al Aziz Al Harbi )
Langues : Arabe - العربــــــــية
*YEAR : 2015
SUPPORT: - : Livre
THEME : - : اللغة العربية ، الأدب ، الشعر (Langue Arabe-littérature , Poésie )
Éditions : دار ابن حزم (Dar Ibn Hazm)
Condition : - : New
Number of pages : - : 97
SIZE (CM): : 17 x 24 cm
Weight (kg): - : 355 g
EAN13: - : 9786144163290

More info -

تفاصيل الجمل: شرح لاميّة ابن الوردي، د. عبد العزيز الحربي

إنّ الدكتور عبد العزيز بن علي الحربي قبل ان يكون الوردي، كان عالماً و اديباً و أستاذاً في اللغة العربية و علومها .. و قد وضع هذا الكتاب : "تفاصيل الجمل" شارحاً به لامية ابن الوردي س و سهل ، فليس من البلاغة في شيء ان يشرح الكلام بأصعب منه ...

Tafasîl Al Jumal: Sharh (Commentary) Lâmiyat Ibn Al Wardi, by Dr. Abd Al Aziz Al Harbi (Arabic Version)

Tafâsîl Al Jumal is the commentary of the famous poem entitled " Lamiyat Ibn Al Wardi ", a major work of Arabic poetry, which includes a set of quotations and proverbs. Its commentator Dr. Dr. Abd Al Aziz Al Harbi explained the poem with a simple, clear and accessible style. Indispensable book for any student of literature or the Arabic language.

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