Mon coffret montessori des lettres mobiles arabes 3, (Dès 3 ans)- صندوقي مونتسوري للحروف العربية المتحركة

Reference : 3706625628052

Un matériel sensoriel, ludique et pédagogique, conforme à la pédagogie Montessori, qui permet à l’enfant de former et de lire ses premiers mots arabes grâce à une approche cohérente et  progressive, dès le plus jeune âge, pour développer le plaisir de la lecture et de l’écriture. Ce superbe coffret est la consécration des efforts fournis dans la pédagogie Montessori et comprend divers
outils pour travailler la lecture et l’écriture de façon ludique :
— 242 lettres mobiles pour composer librement une infinité de mots arabes (2 à 7 lettres)
(consonnes / sons longs).
— 33 tickets voyelles pour vocaliser chaque lettre.
— 30 cartes images pour travailler la composition des mots.
— 1 fascicule pédagogique pour accompagner les parents et les instituteurs à travers plusieurs activités fantastiques

€29.90 (Tax incl.)

Data sheet

Reliure : Boîte en Carton
Langues : Arabe
SUPPORT: - : Jeu éducatif
THEME : - : Jeu éducatif, Montessori, Langue Arabe, Enfants
MANUFACTURING: - : Graines de foi

More info -

My montessori box of Arabic mobile letters 3, (From 3 years old)

A sensory, playful and educational material, in accordance with Montessori pedagogy, which allows the child to form and read his first Arabic words thanks to a coherent and progressive approach, from an early age, to develop the pleasure of reading. and writing. This superb box is the consecration of the efforts made in Montessori pedagogy and includes various
tools to work on reading and writing in a fun way:
— 242 movable letters to freely compose an infinity of Arabic words (2 to 7 letters) thanks to all the letters of the alphabet according to their position in a word (beginning, middle, end) and their nature
(consonants / long sounds).
— 33 vowel tickets to vocalize each letter.
— 30 picture cards to work on the composition of words. The word representing the image is written on the back for self-correction, as well as its phonetic transcription and its translation into French and English, which promotes multilingualism.
— 1 educational booklet to accompany parents and teachers through several fantastic activities and how to make the best use of this box.
With Montessori boxes, reading and writing Arabic becomes child's play!

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