Aysar At-Tafasir (Commentary of the Quran) 3 Volumes, by As-ad Mahmud Hawmad

Reference : 978752400192

Condition: New product

Aysar At-Tafasir (Commentary of the Quran) 3 Volumes, by As-ad Mahmud Hawmad

As-ad Mahmud Hawmad, the author of the commentary that we present today to French-speaking readers, namely Aysar At-Tafasir, follows the method of explanation retained by the pious elders based on traditional data; it puts the fundamental meanings of the Koranic text within reach of readers.

€68.00 €68.00 0% (Tax incl.)

Data sheet

Reliure : Hardcover
Auteurs : As'ad Mahmûd Hawmad
Langues : Arabe Français
SUPPORT: - : Livre
THEME : - : Le Saint CORAN
Condition : - : New
Number of pages : - : Tome 1: 864 Tome 2: 868 Tome 3:924
Volume Number: - : 3
Weight (kg): - : 4.800

More info -

Aysar At-Tafasir (Commentary of the Quran) 3 Volumes, by As-ad Mahmud Hawmad

The Arabic term tafsir derives from the verb fasara which means to explain clearly, to give an interpretation of something.

As-ad Mahmud Hawmad, the author of the commentary that we present today to French-speaking readers, namely Aysar At-Tafasir , follows the method of explanation retained by the pious elders based on traditional data (tafsir bi al-ma-thur); it puts the fundamental meanings of the Koranic text within reach of readers, and moves away from interpretations that make it say what it does not explicitly say or what it does not support.

Aysar At-Tafasir is the very type of exegesis or commentary needed today by Muslims jostled by modernity, the contraction of time, and worldly preoccupations (dunyawiya). It is a commentary addressed to all Muslims regardless of their intellectual level, each of whom can find something to satisfy in it. It is easy to read and the author adopts a method that makes the task of the reader easy.

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