The Miracles of the Quran - Harun Yahya

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Reference : 9782916316062

The Quran is not a scientific work. However, many scientific facts, expressed in his verses in an extremely concise and profound way, have only been discovered by means of 20th century technology. We simply could not have this knowledge at the time of the revelation of the Quran, and this is further proof that the Quran is the word of God.

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Data sheet

Reliure : Softcover
Auteurs : harun yahya
Langues : français
*YEAR : 2009
SUPPORT: - : Livre
THEME : - : Le Saint CORAN
Éditions : iqra
Condition : - : New
Number of pages : - : 392
SIZE (CM): : 23. 5 X 16 CM
Weight (kg): - : 0.97
EAN13: - : 9782916316062

More info -

Title: The Miracles of the Quran

Author: harun yahya

Publisher: IQRA

Medium: BOOK

Theme: The Holy QURAN

The Koran, of course, is not a scientific work. However, many scientific facts, expressed in his verses in an extremely concise and profound way, have only been discovered by means of 20th century technology. Every day new discoveries are made. We simply could not have this knowledge at the time of the revelation of the Quran, and this is further proof that the Quran is the word of God.

14 centuries ago, God sent down the Koran on humanity to guide it. He called men to move towards the truth by adhering to the values contained in this powerful revelation. From the day of its revelation until the Day of Resurrection, this ultimate divine Book will remain the only guide of humanity.

The perfect literary language of the Quran, the incomparable characteristics of its style and the superior wisdom it contains are irrefutable proofs. Moreover, the Quran also has many miraculous attributes proving that it is the divine word: one of its attributes is the remarkable number of scientific truths, which only the technologies of the 20th and 21st centuries have enabled us to discover. , and which were already affirmed in the Koran 1,400 years ago.

In addition to the scientific miracles contained in the Koran, the work you have in your hands provides examples of stories relating past and future events, highlights its literary perfection and the mathematical miracles that are concealed therein.


The Scientific Miracles of God in the Quran

The Creation of the Universe

The expanding universe

The End of the Universe and the Big Crunch

Creation from thick smoke

The Separation of Heaven and Earth

The creation of what lies between the heavens and the Earth

The Perfect Balance in the Universe

The fine tuning of the Universe

The structural differences between the Sun, the Moon and the stars

Orbits and the Rotating Universe

The path of the Sun

Moon's orbit

The calculation of the lunar year

The force of gravity and orbital motions

The terrestrial sphere

The direction of rotation of the Earth

The geoid shape of the Earth

The diameters of Earth and space

Atmospheric layers

The protected vault

The sky in the form of a dome

The sky endowed back

The layers of the earth

The earth brings out its burdens

The role of mountains

mountains in motion

Different points on sunrise and sunset

Land loss at ends

The splitting of the earth

The miracle of iron

The formation of oil

The relativity of time

Creation in six days

The truth about destiny

Pairs in Creation

Subatomic particles

black holes

Pulsars: pulsating stars

The star Sirius

light and dark

Combustion without fire

The weight of the clouds

Predictable amount of rain

The formation of rain

The rains that bring dead land back to life

The formation of hail, thunder and lightning

The fertilizing winds

The stages in the formation of the wind

How the process of photosynthesis begins in the morning

The distinct seas

The darkness of the seas and the internal waves

The region that controls our movements

The heart finds peace in the remembrance of God

Forgiveness according to the morality of Islam and its health benefits

How prayer speeds up the treatment of the sick

Stress and depression: the result of non-conformity to religion

The creation of man

The creation of human beings from water

Creation from clay

The programming in the genes

The menstrual period

pregnancy and birth

Stages of development of human organs

Milk formation

A miraculous mixture: breast milk

The identity hidden in the fingerprint

The female bee

The miracle of honey

The date and its characteristics as described in the Quran

The fig: a fruit whose perfection has only recently been discovered

Fish: a valuable nutritional source

Pork and its adverse health effects

The olive, a source of health benefits

Coronary bypass surgery

Practicing a sports activity, washing and drinking water are good for your health

The existence of microscopic life

The existence of animal societies

Biomimetics: concept inspired by living beings

Grasshoppers moving in a swarm

The communication of ants

The food cycle

The ears are active during sleep

The importance of movement during sleep

Reduced movement at night

Chest contraction with increasing elevation

Predictions in the Quran


The victory of the Byzantine Empire

The Preservation of Pharaoh's Body

The conquest of Mecca

The tribes of Israel will become very haughty

space exploration

The trip to the moon

Modern means of transport

aviation technology

Image transmission

Odor transfer

The use of electricity

Artesian wells

The army of ants in technology

Atomic energy and fission

The historical miracles of the Quran

Haman and the Monuments of Ancient Egypt

The Prophet Musa (as) and the Sea Divided in Two

The problems that affected Pharaoh and his entourage

The Prophet Musa (as) described as a magician

The word "Pharaoh" in the Quran

Noah's Flood

The city of Iram

The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah

The People of Sheba and the Flood of Arim

The People of Al-Hijr

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