Le Martyre d'Al Husayn

Reference : 9782956934073

Ce livre Le Martyre d’Al Houssayn, d'Abderahim at-Tawil met en avant la vie d’Al Houssayn ibn ‘Ali et de Fâtima bint Mohammed, le petit-fils du Prophète Mohammed (saws), abordant sa vie, ses mérites, sa relation avec les califes Mou’âwiya et Yazîd, ainsi que sa mort tragique. La traduction de deux épîtres d'Ibn Taymiyya offre une perspective intéressante sur ces personnages historiques. Le livre s'adresse aux lecteurs francophones en quête de vérité sur l'histoire de l'Islam.

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Data sheet

Reliure : Softcover
Auteurs : Abderahim at-Tawil
Langues : .Français
*YEAR : 2022
SUPPORT: - : Livre
THEME : - : La Vie du Prophete (sbdl) & Histoire de L'Islam
Éditions : At Tawil
Condition : - : New
Number of pages : - : 190
SIZE (CM): : 14.8 x 21cm

More info -

The Martyrdom of Al Husayn, by Abderahim at-Tawil

Al Husayn , Yazid and Mu'âwiyya , the public will probably be surprised to find these three names next to each other and will wonder the reason for this choice. The death of Al Housayn in the year 61 undoubtedly remained one of the major events of the post-caliphal era.

This event, which took place on the day of 'Achourà, caused a stir that the centuries have not appeased. Many ill-intentioned men found there an opportune Trojan horse to attack Yazid and by a domino effect to Mu'awiyya , Or, Abû Tawba Ar-Rabï "Ibn, Nafi' Al-Halaby said : "Mu ' âwiyya is like a curtain for the Companions of Muhammad. Whoever lifts the curtain will not refrain from attacking those who are behind it .

By leaving the floor and the disentanglement to Chaykh-l-Islam Ibn Taymiyya on more than one occasion, going back to these historical facts and supporting the dogmatic position to be adopted was a necessity to be filled and presented to French-speaking readers in search of the truth.

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