Al-Awasim wal-Qawasim fi al-Dhab An Sunnat Abi al-Qasim (5 volumes/Arabic)

Reference : 9789933446987

The book "Al-'Awassim wal-Qawassim fi al-Dhab 'An Sunnat Abi al-Qassim" addresses crucial issues related to thought and belief within the Muslim community. Written by Ibn Al-Wazir Al-Yamani and edited by the Al-Risalah Center, it examines topics such as ijtihad (independent legal interpretation), knowledge of hadith, methods of correction, and addresses doctrinal issues. The book also defends the noble companions of the Prophet, refutes the arguments of the Mu'tazilites, and denounces accusations of anthropomorphism against figures like Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal. Exploring various issues, from prophetic vision to destiny, the book offers an in-depth perspective on the differences in thought within the Muslim community. Its importance lies in its contribution to the understanding of doctrinal variations and their extremist implications.

€85.00 (Tax incl.)

Data sheet

Reliure : Hardcover
Auteurs : Ibn Al-Wazir Al-Yamani
Langues : Arabe - العربــــــــية
*YEAR : 2020
SUPPORT: - : Livre
THEME : - : Arabic
Éditions : Resalah Publishers
Condition : - : New
Number of pages : - : 2536
SIZE (CM): : 17,5 x 24,5 cm
Volume Number: - : 5

More info -

العواصم والقواصم في الذب عن سنة أبي القاسم

تاليف: ابن الوزير اليماني،المحقق مركز الرسالة للدراسات وتحقيق الت راث ، دار النشر : مؤسسة الرسالة ناشرون

كلمة دار النشر

تبرز أهمية هذا الكتاب ليس على أنه كتابٌ تراثيٌ فحسب، وإنما كتاب يح اكي ما تختلف فيه الأمة من فكرٍ وعقيدةٍ، وما ينتج عنه من تطرف وانقياد أيضًا. يتضمن هذا الكتاب الكثير من المباحث الهامة منها: الكلام في الاجتهاد وشرائطه الأخبار النبوية، ومعرفة طرق ال تصحيح إليه القول بتعذر الاجتهاد القول في قبول أهل التأويل في الرواية من أنواع المبتدعة إذا عُرف صد قهم وحفظهم. Remove the water from the water. الرد على المعتزلة في مسائل متعددة. تنزيه إمام السنة أحمد بن حنبل رحمه عن القول بالتشبيه والتجسيم ، وتنزيه أئمة الحديث مطلقاً. الرد على من نسب الإمام مالك رحمه الله وأمثاله من أئمة الفقه والحدي ث إلى البّله والجمود. Remove the water from the water. على القضاء والقدر، وما ورد من النهي في الخوض فيه

Al-'Awasim wal-Qawasim fi al-Dhab 'An Sunnat Abi al-Qasim"" (Capitals and Points in Defense of the Sunnah of Abi Al-Qasim

Author: Ibn Al-Wazir Al-Yamani

Publishing house: Al-Resalah Publishers Foundation

The importance of this book lies not only in its heritage character, but also as a work that addresses the different thoughts and beliefs within the Muslim community, as well as the extremisms and orientations that arise from them. The book covers several important topics, including ijtihad (the effort of independent legal interpretation) and its conditions, the necessary knowledge of hadith for mujtahidin (those who exercise ijtihad), methods of correction, criticism , and modification of hadiths, as well as the reasons making ijtihad difficult.

Other topics covered include accepting followers of interpretation (ta'wil) in narration, defending the noble companions of the Prophet, responding to the Mu'tazilites on various issues, preserving Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal from the accusation of anthropomorphism, as well as the general preservation of the hadith imams. The book also refutes allegations that Imam Malik and other legal and hadithic imams are associated with ignorance and rigidity. Other themes covered include the question of prophetic vision (ru'ya), the defense of Imam Al-Shafi'i, and the discussion of destiny (qada' wa qadr) as well as the prohibition of interfere in it.

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