Al Quloub wal-Af'ida wal-Sudour fi al-Qur'an al-Karim, by Abd al-Sattar Karim al-Marsoumi (Arabic)

Reference : 9789933499501

This book by Abdessattar Karim Al-Marsumi explores the subject of the heart in the Quran by detailing its nature, its types, its functions, and explaining the divine influence on hearts, both in terms of reward and punishment. The book seeks to uncover the material and spiritual secrets related to hearts, focusing on the two main types of hearts and then detailing the aspects that arise from them. The work is based on the teachings of the Koran to demystify the concepts relating to “Al Qouloub”, “Al Afida”, “Al Sudour”. while highlighting the differences of opinion among the scholars of the Muslim nation on these subjects.

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Data sheet

Reliure : Hardcover
Auteurs : 'Issam Ben Abdullah Al Muhsin Al Hamidan
Langues : Arabe - العربــــــــية
*YEAR : 2022
SUPPORT: - : Livre
THEME : - : Quran, Exegesis
Éditions : Al Ghouthani
Condition : - : New
Number of pages : - : 224
SIZE (CM): : 17 x 24,5 cm

More info -

القلوب و الأفئدة والصدور في القرآن الكريم

تأليف عبد الستار كريم المرسومي

القلوبُ والأفئدةُ والصُّدورُ في القرآنِ الكريم تناولَ هذا الكتاب ُ موضوعَ القلبِ وحقيقتَه، وعرَضَ أنواعَه ووظائفَه وشرحَ التأثيرَ ا لرَّبانيَّ في القلوبِ بشطْرَيها الثَّوابيِّ والعِقابيِّ من أجلِ اِ الرئيس يَّينِ، منهما وشرَحَه، وكلُّ ذلك استن اداً لِما جاءَ في كتابِ الله جلَّ وعلا، ثمَّ إنَّ هذا الكتابَ يفكُّ الاشتباكَ في تداخلِ المعنى والمهامِّ عندَ الناسِ، بينَ القلبِ والفؤادِ والصَّدر ِ، ويُبيِّنُ اختلافَ آراءِ علاءِ الأمَّةِ في ذلكَ، من خلالِ تبيان ِ وتفصيلِ كلِّ واحدٍ منها.


Al-Quloub wal-Af'ida wal-Sudur fi al-Qur'an al-Karim

Author: Abd al-Sattar Karim al-Marsoumi - Editions: Dar Al Gwthani

This book by Abdessattar Karim Al-Marsumi explores the subject of the heart in the Quran by detailing its nature, its types, its functions, and explaining the divine influence on hearts, both in terms of reward and punishment. The book seeks to uncover the material and spiritual secrets related to hearts, focusing on the two main types of hearts and then detailing the aspects that arise from them. The work is based on the teachings of the Koran to demystify the concepts relating to “Al Qouloub”, “Al Afida”, “Al Sudour”. while highlighting the differences of opinion among the scholars of the Muslim nation on these subjects.

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