Hassan Al Banna - original texts

Reference : 9782848622347

Title:Hassan Al Banna - original texts Support:Books Edition:TAWHID

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Title: Hassan Al Banna - original texts

Author: Naima Afif

Publisher: TAWHID

Medium: Book

Theme: society & testimonials

Description: In order to study any discourse, common sense would have dictated that one refers to the original statement to develop a scientifically correct approach to content and ideas. Curiously, the way of approaching the production and the speech of Hassan al-Banna was the subject of a singular treatment: in spite of the imposing mass of the written documents available from the pen of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, the studies carried out on the character rarely referenced his own writings. This observation had the effect of arousing our curiosity and led us to ask ourselves the following question: how to distinguish the specific elements of al-Banna's speech from the considerable and long-repeated comments of which it was the subject? The safest way was to go back to the source, so we undertook this translation work. Certain texts will not fail to surprise by their modernity, their topicality or their visionary aspect; the reader should however bear in mind that they were written between 1927 and 1949 and should avoid making an anachronistic reading of them.

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