International Relations Atlas, by Pascal Boniface (Frensh)

Reference : 9782200627911

International Relations Atlas: 100 Maps to Understand the World from 1945 to the Present, by Pascal Boniface, Armand Colin Editions (Revised and Expanded Edition)

With undeniable pedagogical clarity, Pascal Boniface delivers in this book a global vision of a complex and changing world, through a mixture of historical depth and current events analysis, to help us understand its multiple springs. The second edition of this atlas offers 100 updated, accessible, and elegant maps, synthesizing major phenomena of international relations.

€25.00 (Tax incl.)

Data sheet

Reliure : Softcover
Auteurs : Pascal Boniface
Langues : .Français
SUPPORT: - : Livre
THEME : - :
Éditions : Armand Colin
Number of pages : - :
SIZE (CM): :

More info -

International Relations Atlas: 100 Maps to Understand the World from 1945 to the Present, by Pascal Boniface, Armand Colin Editions (Revised and Expanded Edition)

Is Western influence still dominant? How are emerging powers such as China, India, or Brazil asserting themselves? What is the issue of raw materials in international relations? International events have increasingly significant impacts on our daily lives, but they can sometimes be difficult to grasp. In the noisy and constant flow of information, it's not always easy to distinguish the essential from the accessory, to take the necessary step back to master the codes of a globalized planet and understand its challenges. With undeniable pedagogical clarity, Pascal Boniface delivers in this book a global vision of a complex and changing world, through a mixture of historical depth and current events analysis, to help us understand its multiple springs. The second edition of this atlas offers 100 updated, accessible, and elegant maps, synthesizing major phenomena of international relations.

Who is Pascal Boniface?

Pascal Boniface is an expert in international relations and geopolitics. He is probably known for his work in this field, including his books and articles on international issues and relations between countries. He is also recognized as an influential analyst in the field of geopolitics and may be involved in various academic, journalistic, and consulting projects. He hosts the Youtube channel "Comprendre le Monde" (Understand the World).

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