The miracle of creation in the DNA

Reference : 9792914949353

Title: The miracle of creation in DNA

Author: Harun Yahya

Publisher: SANA

Medium: Book

Theme: Pillars of FAITH

Materialist philosophy, once imposed on all mankind under the guise of science, is ironically nowadays defeated by science itself.

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Data sheet

Reliure : Softcover
Auteurs : Harun Yahya
Langues : .Français
*YEAR : 2003
SUPPORT: - : Livre
THEME : - : Société & Témoignages
Éditions : Sana
Condition : - : New

More info -

Title: The Miracle of Creation in DNA

Author: Harun Yahya

Publisher: SANA

Medium: Book

Theme: Pillars of FAITH

Description: Materialist philosophy, once imposed on all of humanity under the guise of science, is ironically nowadays defeated by science itself. Several significant events dating from June 2000 have accelerated the collapse of materialism. One of them was the Human Genome Project, the attempt to roughly map the human genome. Through this project the details of "genetic information", which shed light on the superiority of God's creation of living beings, have been revealed to mankind. Today, anyone who considers the results of this project, and discovers that a single human cell contains enough information to fill hundreds of pages of encyclopedias, understands the extraordinary miracle of creation that this represents. Yet evolutionists attempt to misinterpret this recent development which, in reality, demonstrates the reverse of their thesis and presents it as proof of "evolution." In this book, the evolutionist misconceptions cited above are explained and the irrational and superficial nature of the objections raised about creation are clarified. Moreover, the severity of the blow to Darwinism by recent discoveries is explicitly reported. When you read this book, you too will see that the materialistic philosophy that rejects God is nearing its end and that in the 21st century, humanity will return to the true purpose of its creation, being rid of deceptions such as evolution.

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