The Fruits of Worship by Abdullah Aymaz

Reference : 9789752784437

The fruits of worship according to Abdullah Aymaz: The author exposes us to what is for every Muslim the fruit of worship, the 5 pillars of Islam. These are the main principles to respect as good Muslims. He emphasizes to us the importance of fulfilling the pillars of Islam with the intention of worshiping Allah.

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Data sheet

Reliure : Softcover
Auteurs : Abdullah Aymaz
*YEAR : 2012
SUPPORT: - : Livre
THEME : - : Piliers de L' Islam
Éditions : Du Nil
Condition : - : New
Number of pages : - : 181
SIZE (CM): : 12.5 x 19.5
Weight (kg): - : 0.139
EAN13: - : 9789752784437

More info -

The fruits of worship according to Abdullah Aymaz:

The comforts of modern civilization, the luxury of technology, and the goods have prevented people from achieving happiness in our contemporary times. In this modern world, men spend most of their lives trying to satisfy their material needs as if they were only created for this world. Although human beings are created for eternity, and on Judgment Day, God will hold them to account for each of their acts they have had on Earth, compensating their good and bad behavior by granting either a reward, be a punishment.

An understanding of such concepts can be accepted and developed through principles of faith, especially belief in God and the day of judgment. This very compelling belief must be renewed and regenerated through acts of worship because worship is the only thing that strengthens faith and makes it common truth.

Undoubtedly, if the principles of faith are not supported and maintained by practice: faith would be constantly weakened. By emphasizing the character of the Islamic religion which consists of faith and practice.

This book completely analyzes the most important "5 pillars of Islam", which organize the core of Islamic life, namely the profession of faith, prayer, which is the first practice which is the manifestation of faith. , fasting, almsgiving and pilgrimage to Mecca. Clearly explaining the need to perform its "pillars" of Islam with the intention of pleasing God is purely for His will.

The author elucidates through the moral, spiritual, psychological, physical, individual and social aspects of these 5 central practices of Islamic worship in the context of our modern age of modernization.

Abdullah Aymaz is an innovative Islamic scholar and a writer in "Zaman" newspaper. He is the author of more than twenty books including "No room for doubt" and "Marie".

This book is divided into four main chapters, with:

  • Adoration and obligatory daily prayers.
  • Compulsory fasting.
  • Zakat, obligatory almsgiving.
  • The hajj, the holy pilgrimage

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