L'abrégé de l'authentique de MUSLIM (مختصر صحيح مسلم) de l'imam Al-Mundhiri, 2 Volumes, Bilingue (Français- Arabe vocalisé)

Reference : 9782752403650

This is an abridgment of the Sahih of Muslim , the famous collection of authentic hadiths . We choose to translate an abridgment of the Sahih of Muslim, so that those who wish to expand their knowledge of prophetic traditions can do so without too much trouble. This summary has the advantage of showing the public the tenor of the Sahîh; perhaps he will then encourage them to study it in its entirety.

€50.00 (Tax incl.)

Data sheet

Reliure : Hardcover
Auteurs : Imam Al-Mundhiri
Langues : Français - Arabe
*YEAR : 2017
SUPPORT: - : Livre
THEME : - : Le Hadith
Éditions : Maison d'Ennour
Condition : - : New
Number of pages : - : 2102
SIZE (CM): : 17 x 24 cm
Volume Number: - : 2
Weight (kg): - : 2.646 kg
.Translation : - : Corentin Pabiot

More info -

The summary of the authentic MUSLIM (مختصر صحيح مسلم) of Imam Al-Mundhiri, 2 Volumes, Bilingual (French-Arabic)

As all the Doctors of Sunni Islâm agree to say, the "Sahîh" of Al-Bukhâriyy and Muslim are the two most authentic books after the Book of God, the prophetic traditions which are collected there are truly of the author to whom they are attributed and the authority of these works cannot be contested in Islâm. As for the "Sahîh" of Muslim, it has 7275 prophetic traditions, without repetitions, that our imam has identified for fifteen years from a set of three hundred thousand hadîth collected from the mouths of his peers. He called his collection “Al-Jami' As-Sahîh”.

Imam Muslim said about this: "There is no prophetic tradition that I have included in this book without having proof [of its authenticity] and no tradition that I have excluded from this book without having proof [of its lack of authenticity].”

The Sahîh of Muslim, it is true, has already been fully translated into French. But the amount of material it contains – up to six volumes for some editions – makes this book difficult to access for the majority of readers. This is why we choose to translate an abridgment of the Sahih of Muslim for them, so that those who wish to extend their knowledge of prophetic traditions can do so without too much trouble. This summary has the advantage of showing the public the tenor of the Sahîh; perhaps he will then encourage them to study it in its entirety.

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