Le tajwid simplifié : Nouvelle approche, Niveaux 1 & 2, de Farid Ouyalize, Septième Édition (2015)

Reference : 9782356330178

Ce manuel présente le tajwïd selon une approche différente de ce que l'on trouve habituellement tout en étant conforme à l'enseignement du professeur Ayman Sweîd
L'auteur a jouté pour la plupart des règles, de nombreux exemples et des remarques quant aux erreurs qui sont souvent commises lors de la lecture ainsi que des exercices d'entraînement dont les corrigés se trouvent à la fin de ce livre...

€13.00 (Tax incl.)

Data sheet

Reliure : Softcover
Auteurs : Farid Ouyalize
Langues : Français (Les versets du coran sont en arabe)
*YEAR : 2023
SUPPORT: - : Livre
THEME : - : Le tajwid simplifié du Coran
Éditions : Sana
Condition : - : New
Number of pages : - : 236
SIZE (CM): : 17 x 24 cm
EAN13: - : 9782356330178

More info -

Tajwid Simplified: A New Approach, Levels 1 & 2, by Farid Ouyalize , Seventh Edition (2015)

علم التجويد

The Koran, our holy book par excellence, has come down to us in two ways: Written on the one hand and orally on the other. The latter, which matters to us, concerns the way in which the Koran is recited in its smallest details; indeed scholars have always emphasized the importance of good recitation so that it is most consistent with that of our beloved prophet .
For this, they have set up a system of the most precise rules making it possible to easily achieve this objective.

This manual presents the tajwid according to a different approach from what we usually find while being in accordance with the teaching of the scholar professor Dr Ayman Sweîd

In order for it to be as beneficial as possible, and being the fruit of several years of experience in the teaching of the Koran, I have added to it for the most part rules, numerous examples and remarks as to the errors which are often committed during reading as well as training exercises whose answers are at the end of this book...

The author in a few lines: Farid Ouyalize
Born in 1976.

  • Degree in theology.
  • Graduated in the ten readings of the Quran by the scholar Dr. Ayman Sweid
  • Professor of the Koran and its various readings at the IESH of Château Chinon / Professor at the Chatiby Institute in Vigneux sur Seine (Paris)
  • Author of the work: Al jazariyah , translation and commentary
  • Translation of the book at-tajwid al-moussawwar by sheikh ayman sweid .

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