How to call to Islam

Reference : 9782918422044

How to call to Islam:

At the base of all Islamic preaching, there is the feeling of immense compassion towards the servants of God, and the fear that they will stray far from the truth and that they will one day suffer the pangs of an endless regret.

€4.93 (Tax incl.)

Data sheet

Reliure : Softcover
Auteurs : Docteur Muhammad Sa'id Ramadan al-Bouti
*YEAR : 2009
SUPPORT: - : Livre
THEME : - : Bibliothèque des Etudiants
Condition : - : New
SIZE (CM): : 17.25 x 11.5 cm
Weight (kg): - : 0.113
EAN13: - : 9782918422044

More info -

How to call to Islam:

At the base of all Islamic preaching, there is the feeling of immense compassion towards the servants of God, and the fear that they will stray far from the truth and that they will one day suffer the pangs of an endless regret. Now the sincerity of this preaching is measured by the fact that it defends the religion of God to obtain His divine Satisfaction, and not for personal interests, driven by the impulses of the soul and its passions. And the light that illuminates the path of the one who calls to God is his knowledge of Islamic law and its sources, and not the fervor of his emotions and their outbursts. As for the soul of the preacher and his life, they must be only loyalty to God in the heart, and the purification of the soul by the abundance of invocations, prayers, supplications and tears...

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