Understand the realities of the modern world

Reference : 9782917113295

Title: Understanding the realities of the modern world

Author: Sheikh Al-Albâni

Publisher: Dar al-Muslim

Medium: Book

Theme: Student Library

This epistle contains the answer to a question that was put to Sheikh Al-Albâni, about what is usually called "the understanding of the realities of the modern world"...

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Langues : .Français
Distributeurs : Orientica

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Title: Understanding the realities of the modern world

Author: Sheikh Al-Albâni

Publisher: Dar al-Muslim

Medium: Book

Theme: Student Library

Description: This epistle contains the answer to a question that was put to Sheikh Al-Albâni, about what is usually called "the understanding of the realities of the modern world", his status in Islam, his interest for Muslims, and its correct use from a religious point of view.

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