The Book of Prayer - Vol 2 - Encyclopedia of Muslim Law

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Reference : 9786144162705

The Messenger of Allah said: “He who perseveres in the practice of prayer, it will be a light to him, a proof in his favor and deliverance on the Day of Judgment; as for the one who abandons it, it will be neither light, nor proof nor deliverance, and he will be gathered with Pharaoh, Qâroûn, Hâmân and Ubay Ibn Khalaf. (Reported by Ahmad and At-Tabrânî)

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Data sheet

Auteurs : Hassan Amdouni
*YEAR : 2012
SUPPORT: - : Livre
THEME : - : Bibliothèque des Etudiants
Éditions : ALIMEN

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This book of fiqh is a book of comparative law, based on Qur'anic, Prophetic arguments and references and opinions of eminent scholars of all schools, including contemporary jurists.

It aims to answer, most certainly, the legal questions of the reader in the practical aspects. Likewise, it will be of great use to Muslims who conform to a specific legal school.

Doctor Hassan Amdouni emphasized the analysis of the legal rules relating to each element of the prayer. This work has, above all, the particularity of being enriched by practical questions or what is called in the language of jurists: المسائل الفقهية al masâ'il al fiqhiyya or an-nawazil.

Similarly, current issues were analyzed with a detailed presentation of the opinions and arguments of the various tendencies.

This high-quality work deals with Islamic Law, a canonical law which constitutes a purely Islamic discipline.

This science of law, commonly called " fiqh ", governs the whole of man's life both in his relationship with his Creator and in his relationship with men and allows the application of the principles of Shari'a ( Islamic Law).

Indeed, all human acts are subject to legal rules well defined by Divine Law, whose sources are like an inexhaustible fountain: the Koran and the Sunnah, considered as such as the fundamental sources.

Muslim jurists (fouqahâ) aim to apply the principles of the Texts of the Law, some of which are explicitly stated and others subject to various interpretations, hence the need to resort to ijtihâd, the effort of legal reflection to reduce rules of law.

In order to perpetuate our religion and to follow the Divine and Prophetic teachings, these specialists in Law have compiled, classified, codified and preserved in their entirety the works of the four jurisconsults (Sunnites), namely Imâm Abou Hanîfa, Imâm Mâlik, Imâm Ach-Shâfi'î and Imâm Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (Peace to their souls).

Today we hold an extraordinary legal heritage, transmitted from generation to generation, thanks to scholars who have sacrificed their entire lives in the service of Islam.

The wealth of this knowledge is such that the discrepancies that we find between these different jurists cannot constitute a source of disturbance or even doubt, as some might believe.

On the contrary, when we analyze the causes of divergence succinctly cited in the book, we easily understand that the concern of the fouqahâ' was fundamentally to discover the truth in depth, by providing evidence and reasoned arguments and this, respectively according to the methodology proper to each.

Muslim Law is a living and permanent dynamic that responds to the ever-evolving questions of a community that constantly recreates ethical and legal questions.

It is therefore by Divine Grace that Muslim Law is part of a discipline where the divergence of opinion is allowed, thus offering an immense flexibility of Divine Law.

Nevertheless, it should be noted that the abundance of this Law in no way allows it to be used to satisfy one's passions, out of simple convenience or convenience. The search for Truth must always govern the mind of those who seek religious sciences.

Islam is a religion to be practiced according to the commandments of God and His Prophet (pbuh) and not according to our tastes or our opinions.

It is therefore imperative for every believer to seek science and educate themselves in depth in order to acquire sufficient legal knowledge and thus abolish the ignorance that rules within our Community.

According to Anas Ibn Mâlik (may God be pleased with him)

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