Al Tamimi Al Khalili Al Tamimi Al Khalili (Arabic Version) )

Reference : 9789953498416

The author explains in his commentary ' Housn Al Qar ' 'Ala Hadith Oum Zar ' 'the Hadith known as Hadith Oum Zar ' narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim . A hadith in which eleven women gathered together made a commitment to tell the whole truth about their husbands without hiding anything.

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Data sheet

Reliure : Hardcover
Auteurs : تأليف :أحمد عبد الغني التميمي الخليلي عني به :عبد الله العتيق- Auteur Ch. Tamimi Al khalili, réalisation Abd Allah Al 'atiq
Langues : Arabe - العربــــــــية
*YEAR : 2015
SUPPORT: - : Livre
THEME : - : Le Hadith
Éditions : Dar Al Minhaj
Condition : - : New
Number of pages : - : 128
Volume Number: - : 1
Weight (kg): - : 306
EAN13: - : 9789953498416

More info -

حسن القرع على حديث أم زرع، تأليف : الشيخ العلامة أحمد عبد الغني التم عبد الله العتيق

حديث أم زرع وما حديث أم زرع ؟ عنوان شرف حسن العشرة، ونبراس قدوة على طول الفترة، فاهت بلآلئ بلاغت أمُّنا الحصيفة الحصان الرزان حبيبة رسول الله -ص- عائشة رضي الله عنها، وحلاه بطغرائه سيد الو جود عليه الصلاة والسلام بقوله لها: « كنت لكِ كأبي زرع لأم زرع ”.

لقد توجهت أقلام المؤلفين نحو حديث أم زرع، اغترفوا من معينه ، وعلوا ونهلوا؛ فمن مكثر ومن مقل ، وكيف لا وهو عند من عرفه يُعدُّ معجزة لغوية بياني ة ، تتقاصر عن درك حقائقها همم العظماء، من اللغويين والأدباء؟!

ألا تعجب من هؤلاء النسوة اللواتي تعاهدن وتعاقدن ألا يكتمن خبراً ـ وهن الحرائر ـ فعبَّرت كل واحدة بكليماتٍ من درٍّ منضَّد ، غير مكثارة ولا مهذارة.

والعجب : أننا لم نسمع إحداهن تستفهم صاحبتها عن مرادها، ولم تدخل الح أهي تمدح أم تذم؟ بل كلهن فهمن المراد ، وكشفن الطوية، وميزن المبغض من المحب ، بما ليس فوقه مزيد.

لقد فتَّق العلماء من هذا الحديث العلوم والفوائد، والغرائب والفرائ د ، والشوارد والأوابد، وأماطوا اللثام عن مخدراته ، وأبانوا شيئاً من مكنوناته.

العلماء على هذا الحديث ، إلا أننا لقرع على حديث أم زرع م بلغة التلويح والإشارة، مع ذكر فوائد جمة، ونقلٍ من كلام الأئمة.

الحديث برواية الإمام الترمذ ي في « شمائله »، ثم تحدث عنه من حيث الرواية ، ثم عرج فتكلم عمن خرج الحدي ث واعتنى به من أهل الدراية ، ثم بيَّن ألفاظ الحديث على طريقة أهل الإش ارة ، ثم ختمه بنقل فوائد ونفائس مع اختصار في العبارة.

أزواجهن إلا نفوس تحدث عن أصحابها ؛ دسيسة كانت أو زكية، والزوج هو صاحبها على تعدد أنواعها؛ فنفسٌ في عليين، ونفسٌ كتابها في سجين، وكل نفس راجعة إلى موط نها .

المنهاج تقدِّم هذه اللوحة البيانية البلاغية الرائعة، وتبحر ب قرائها في رقراق هذا السفر اللطيف ، وهذا المورد المنيف؛ ليأخذ كلٌّ قسطه ونصيبه

Housn Al Qar' 'Ala Hadith Oum Zar', by Sheikh Ahmed Abd Al Ghani Al Tamimi Al Khalili

The author explains in his commentary ' Housn Al Qar ' 'Ala Hadith Oum Zar ' 'the Hadith known as Hadith Oum Zar ' narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim . A hadith in which eleven women gathered together made a commitment to tell the whole truth about their husbands without hiding anything.

Hadith Oum Zar' narrated by Al Bukhari is as follows:

Bukhârî said: Souleymane Ibn 'Abd Rahman and 'Ali Ibn Hujr told us that 'Issa Ibn Younouss reported from Hisham Ibn 'Ourwa according to 'Abdoullah Ibn 'Ourwa according to 'Ourwa according to 'Aisha who said :

“Eleven women sat down and made a commitment to tell the whole truth about their husbands without hiding anything.

The first said: "My husband is like a meager piece of camel meat on the top of a mountain, people can only get to it with difficulty and once reached he is disgusting and not fat enough to carry and eat. .

The second said: "My husband, I do not divulge anything about him, lest I cannot stop to describe his misdeeds, if I mention him I will describe his defects both apparent and hidden.

The third said: "My husband is a big perch, if I talk about him he will divorce me, and if I keep silent I will be like the one in suspense [neither married nor divorced]

The fourth said: "My husband is like the soft and cool night of Tihama, neither hot nor cold, with him I am safe and feel no weariness.

The fifth said: “My husband when he comes home he is carefree like a cheetah, benevolent, he never questions a fault at home, but outside he is intransigent like a lion.

The sixth said: "My husband when he eats he is a voracious who tastes everything, when he drinks he is thirsty and leaves me nothing, when he goes to bed he wraps himself in his clothes at the end of the bed and does not realize my deep sadness.

The seventh said: "My husband is like a heavy mist, aberrant, he has in him a part of every fault, puncher, he hurts your head or your body by breaking your limb, or both at the same time , you pick up everything.

The eighth said: My husband has the smell of saffron and the touch of rabbit

[In another version it is added: "I have the upper hand over him, but he dominates the men"]

The ninth said: "My husband is noble, tall, generous, his oven is full of ashes [he receives many guests], and his abode is close to discussion circles. [Quality of charitable and eminent people]

The tenth said: "My husband is Malik, who is Malik! Malik is better than anything you have described, he has camels that are mostly on their knees, they rarely go to pasture [so that they are always ready to serve milk or meat to a guest] and when they hear the sound of the Mizhar [musical instrument indicating hospitality to travellers] then they know they will have their throats cut.

The eleventh said: "My husband is Abu Zar', and what a man Abu Zar'! he dangled jewels in my ears and made me fat, he gave me joy and I was therefore happy, he found me among people leading an austere life to bring me back to others leading a prosperous life [farmers who have horses, camels and land]. do not denigrate my word, nor reject it, in the morning I can sleep [because there are servants who take care of the house] and when I drink it is until I am full.

Abu Zar's mother, what a mother Abu Zar's is! his bundles are enormous, his house is spacious.

The son of Abou Zar', what a son that of Abou Zar', he is slender and in his coat of branches braided from palm leaves he is similar to the sword in its scabbard, he is content with little food.

The daughter of Abou Zar', what a daughter that of Abou Zar', obedient to her parents, plump, her co-wife jealous of her for her beauty, her good character and her modesty.

Abou Zar's servant, what a servant of Abou Zar'! she does not reveal our private discussions, honest she does not waste our food and never leaves the house in bad condition.

Abou Zar' went out early one morning when the jug of milk was beaten for butter and he met a young woman lying down, her chest was like two pomegranates, she had two lively children like cheetahs playing in her lap , he repudiated me and married him, I married after him a majestic man, who rode a horse with an impetuous pace, grabbed a spear and took me at the end of the day to the enclosure to give me many beasts and said to me: "Eat Oum Zar' and give it to your family"

If I collected everything he gave me, it would not even be equivalent to the smallest vase of Abu Zar'.

Aicha ended: “The Messenger [Peace be upon him] said to me: “I am with you as was Abu Zar' with Oum Zar'. »

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