Al Chifa' fi 'Ilal Al Qira'at, by Abi Al Fadl Al Bukhari (2 volumes)

Reference : 9786057371836

The book "الشِّفاءُ في عِلَلِ القِراءات" by Abi Al Fadl Al Bukhari is a remarkable work that explores the principles and subtleties of the ten readings of the Quran. It presents the author, highlights the scientific value of the work and its numerous sources. This book stands out for its ability to harmonize the literal and spiritual aspect of words, while establishing connections between the meanings of the readings. It also analyzes the similarities and differences between these readings, exploring the reasons for these variations. Additionally, he examines ancient manuscripts containing valuable information from Eastern scholars, including excerpts from lost books. The author does not limit himself to research, but also transmits the teachings of the masters of reading and the Arabic language, relying on Imam Taj al-Din al-Kirmani. This book concludes with useful scientific indexes for students and researchers interested in this field, under the direction of researchers Dr. Saleh bin Ahmed Al-Amari and Dr. Habibullah bin Saleh Al-Sulami.

€46.00 (Tax incl.)

Data sheet

Reliure : Hardcover
Auteurs : Autor:
Langues : Arabe - العربــــــــية
*YEAR : 2023
SUPPORT: - : Livre
THEME : - : Readings of the Quran
Éditions : Al Ghouthani
Condition : - : New
Number of pages : - : 1456
SIZE (CM): : 17 x 24 cm
Volume Number: - : 2

More info -

الشِّفاءُ في عِلَلِ القِراءات

تناولَ هذا الكتابُ توجيهَ القراءاتِ العشْرِ أُصولاً وفَرْشاً واِ ختيارَ أبي حاتمٍ السِّجِسْتانِيِّ، حيثُ يعدُّ منْ أوسعِ الكتبِ في ه ذا علمِ، فبدأَ بترجمةِ المؤلِّفِ، ثمَّ بيَّنَ قيمةَ الكتابِ العِ لميةَ ومصادرَ المؤلِّفِ الكثيرةَ، كما تميَّزَ بالجمعِ بينَ التَّو اللَّفظيِّ والمعنويِّ للكلمةِ، معَ الرَّبطِ والتأليفِ بينَ مع اني القِراءاتِ والجمعِ بينَ النَّظائرِ وذِكرِ عِلَلِ اختلافِها واتِّفاقِها، ثمَّ ذكرَ النُّسخَ الخطِّيةَ للكتابِ حيثُ حوى كثيراً منَ النُّقولاتِ النَّفيسةِ عنْ كتبِ المَشارقةِ، وأخذَ بعضَها منْ كتبٍ مفقودةٍ، وتو سَّعَ في النَّقلِ عن أئمَّةِ القراءةِ والعربيةِ، حيثُ إنَّه تلقّى ا لقراءاتِ وعِللَها على مُقرئِ المَشـرقِ الإمامِ تاجِ الدِّينِ الكِ رْمانيِّ، كما أرفقَ النصَّ المحقَّقَ للكتابِ وختمَه بفهارِسَ علميةٍ تُفيدُ كلَّ طالبٍ أو باحثٍ في هذا العلم. وقد قام بتحقيق الكتاب الباحثان: د. صالح بن أحمد العماري د. حبيب الله بن صالح السلمي.

The book “الشِّفاءُ في عِلَلِ القِراءات” is an exceptional work by Abi Al Fadl Al Bukhari which delves into the principles and subtleties of the ten readings of the Quran. The work begins by introducing the author, then it highlights the scientific value of this book as well as the numerous sources used by the author.

What sets this book apart is its ability to harmonize the literal and spiritual aspects of the words, while making connections between the meanings of the readings. It also analyzes the similarities and differences between these readings and explores the reasons for these variations. Additionally, he examines ancient manuscripts of the book, containing treasure troves of information from Eastern scholars, including excerpts from lost books.

The author does not limit himself to research, but also extends to the transmission of the teachings of the masters of reading and the Arabic language. In particular, he relies on Imam Taj al-Din al-Kirmani for the recitation of the readings and the understanding of their nuances.

This book concludes with scientific indexes that will benefit all students and researchers interested in this field. The researchers responsible for this edition are Dr. Saleh bin Ahmed Al-Amari and Dr. Habibullah bin Saleh Al-Sulami

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