A concise overview on Islam

Reference : 9789960861296

Title: A Concise Overview of Islam



Medium: Book

Theme: Student Library

Man's knowledge of the origin of the universe is very limited. Scientists have proposed hypotheses and theories of evolution that center around one theme: the initial fireball and the starting age of matter and antimatter.

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Title: A Concise Overview of Islam



Medium: Book

Theme: Student Library

Description: Man's knowledge of the origin of the universe is very limited. Scientists have proposed hypotheses and theories of evolution that center around one theme: the initial fireball and the starting age of matter and antimatter. According to the theories, the universe consisted, in the first place, of particles which acted strongly on each other. Primordial matter and antimatter, according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, eventually annihilated each other. Those particles that survived this interaction formed the present universe.

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