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Abrégé de l'exégèse d'ibn kathir (2 volumes)
Abrégé de l'exégèse d'ibn kathir (2 volumes)
The Holy Quran
The Holy Quran

The Quran, called "القُرْآن" (al-Qurʾān) in Arabic, is the sacred text of Islam. It is considered by Muslims to be the direct word of God (Allah) and was revealed to the Prophet (محمد, Muḥammad sws) by the Archangel Gabriel (جبريل, Jibrīl AS) in the 7th century. The Quran was transmitted orally in the Arabic language, this process being called "dikr". It is renowned for its remarkable structure and exceptional moral principles.

In order to facilitate the reading of the Holy Quran, this category offers a wide selection of books on the theme of the Holy Quran. There you will find several translations and translators to choose from. Different formats are available to meet your preferences, whether exegeses, scientific works, pronunciation guides, collections of readings, varied versions and various formats. Even more rarely, SANA even offers the Holy Quran in Braille

391 products

The Holy Quran in Braille - ARABIC only - 7 Volumes (Maxi format - Bordeaux color)The Holy Quran in Braille - ARABIC exclusively - 7 Volumes (Maxi format - Bordeaux color)
      القرآن الكريم بطريقة برايل The noble Koran written in Braille, intended for the blind and visually impaired, in 7 volumes. This version is in ARABIC, Maxi format (25x33) - Beautiful black hardcover with golden writing. Editions Paris Eglantine <div...
      The Holy Quran in Braille - ARABIC only - 7 Volumes (Maxi format - Bordeaux color)The Holy Quran in Braille - ARABIC exclusively - 7 Volumes (Maxi format - Bordeaux color)
          القرآن الكريم بطريقة برايل The noble Koran written in Braille, intended for the blind and visually impaired, in 7 volumes. This version is in ARABIC, Maxi format (25x33) - Beautiful black hardcover with golden writing. Editions Paris Eglantine <div...
              Al Qubaisi (Arabic Version)
                  Al Qubaisi (Arabic Version)
                      رحلة شائقة تمضي بك عبر الزمن ، من بدء الخلق إلى بعث نبينا الحبيب ، م روراً والشهداء والصالحين .. ان دليلها آيات الكتاب العزيز This book contains 360 wonderful illustrated stories from the Holy Quran. <span...
                      Al Qubaisi (Arabic Version)
                          رحلة شائقة تمضي بك عبر الزمن ، من بدء الخلق إلى بعث نبينا الحبيب ، م روراً والشهداء والصالحين .. ان دليلها آيات الكتاب العزيز This book contains 360 wonderful illustrated stories from the Holy Quran. <span...
                          Taysir Al-Karim Ar-Rahman (The Exegesis of As-Sa'di) (Arabic Version)
                              سهولة العبارة و وضوحها ، تجنب الحشو وا لتطويل، تجنب الخلاف ، السير على منهج السلف ، دقة الاستنباط The concise and summarized exegesis of the Quran. This exegesis is characterized by the simplicity of its expressions and the clarity of its allusions. In addition, our exegete has designed his commentary in...
                              Taysir Al-Karim Ar-Rahman (The Exegesis of As-Sa'di) (Arabic Version)
                                  سهولة العبارة و وضوحها ، تجنب الحشو وا لتطويل، تجنب الخلاف ، السير على منهج السلف ، دقة الاستنباط The concise and summarized exegesis of the Quran. This exegesis is characterized by the simplicity of its expressions and the clarity of its allusions. In addition, our exegete has designed his commentary in...
                                  Al-Ahâdith wa-al-Âthar al-Wâridah fi Fadâ il Suwar al-Quran al-Karim (Arabic)Fadâil Suwar al-Qurân al-Karim - The hadiths and the effects contained in the virtues of the suras of the Noble Quran (Arabic)
                                      الأحاديث والآثار الواردة في فضائل سور القرآن الكريم : دراسة و نقد ، تأليف: الدكتور ابراهيم علي السيد علي عيسى (رسالة دكتوراه) حديث شريف في فضائل القرآن The Koran is the Book of Allah, it is a miracle that Allah sent down, it is uncreated. It is the best heavenly book. He is the word of Allah - Mighty and Majestic...
                                      Al-Ahâdith wa-al-Âthar al-Wâridah fi Fadâ il Suwar al-Quran al-Karim (Arabic)Fadâil Suwar al-Qurân al-Karim - The hadiths and the effects contained in the virtues of the suras of the Noble Quran (Arabic)
                                          الأحاديث والآثار الواردة في فضائل سور القرآن الكريم : دراسة و نقد ، تأليف: الدكتور ابراهيم علي السيد علي عيسى (رسالة دكتوراه) حديث شريف في فضائل القرآن The Koran is the Book of Allah, it is a miracle that Allah sent down, it is uncreated. It is the best heavenly book. He is the word of Allah - Mighty and Majestic...
                                          مصحف التجويد حفص جزء عم, Quran Al Tajwid Juzz 'Amma Reading Hafs (Arabic Version)مصحف التجويد الموسع حفص جزء عم, Quran Al Tajwid Juzz 'Amma Reading Hafs Great Letters (Arabic Version)
                                              مصحف التجويد "الموسع" جزء عم ، و على هامشه كلمات القرآن تفسير و بيان. برواية حفص عن عاصم بالرسم العثماني Qur'an Al Tajwid Juzz 'Amma, Reading Hafs from 'Assim, Explanation of its difficult terms on the margin (AR-AR) . ...
                                              مصحف التجويد حفص جزء عم, Quran Al Tajwid Juzz 'Amma Reading Hafs (Arabic Version)مصحف التجويد الموسع حفص جزء عم, Quran Al Tajwid Juzz 'Amma Reading Hafs Great Letters (Arabic Version)
                                                  مصحف التجويد "الموسع" جزء عم ، و على هامشه كلمات القرآن تفسير و بيان. برواية حفص عن عاصم بالرسم العثماني Qur'an Al Tajwid Juzz 'Amma, Reading Hafs from 'Assim, Explanation of its difficult terms on the margin (AR-AR) . ...
                                                  What the Quran Says - Thematic Dictionary, by Mustayeen Ahmed KhanWhat the Quran Says - Thematic Dictionary, by Mustayeen Ahmed Khan
                                                      During childhood or at some other time in life, questions come to mind on many topics such as: who is God and where is He? Do we need the divine scriptures and why was the Quran not revealed completely at one time?...In this book are collected a large number of questions and subjects of this kind. Answers and clarifications are given there from the Koran, and only...
                                                      What the Quran Says - Thematic Dictionary, by Mustayeen Ahmed KhanWhat the Quran Says - Thematic Dictionary, by Mustayeen Ahmed Khan
                                                          During childhood or at some other time in life, questions come to mind on many topics such as: who is God and where is He? Do we need the divine scriptures and why was the Quran not revealed completely at one time?...In this book are collected a large number of questions and subjects of this kind. Answers and clarifications are given there from the Koran, and only...
                                                              The Noble Quran accompanied by its explanation according to the Tafsîr Muyassar (Juz' Qad Sami'a, Tabâraka, 'Amma)
                                                                  The Noble Quran accompanied by its explanation according to the Tafsîr Muyassar (Juz' Qad Sami'a, Tabâraka, 'Amma)
                                                                      يناقش هذا الكتاب عدد من القضايا المنهجية والموضوعية المتعلقة بتحق يق نصوص خمسة من علوم القرآن ، وهي : علم الرسم ، وعلم العَدَدِ ، وعلم ا لوقف والابتداء ، وعلم القراءات ، وعلم التجويد An indispensable book for the student of Koranic sciences. <span...
                                                                      The Noble Quran accompanied by its explanation according to the Tafsîr Muyassar (Juz' Qad Sami'a, Tabâraka, 'Amma)
                                                                          يناقش هذا الكتاب عدد من القضايا المنهجية والموضوعية المتعلقة بتحق يق نصوص خمسة من علوم القرآن ، وهي : علم الرسم ، وعلم العَدَدِ ، وعلم ا لوقف والابتداء ، وعلم القراءات ، وعلم التجويد An indispensable book for the student of Koranic sciences. <span...
                                                                          Al Tafsir Al Muyasar
                                                                              "Al Tafsîr Al Muyassâr (Exegesis of the noble Quran)" is a work produced by a group of contemporary scholars recognized in the field of interpretation of the Quran, under the supervision of Sheikh Sâlih Ibn 'Abd al-'Azîz Âl al-Shayk , and published in Arabic by the King Fahd complex for printing the Noble Quran of Medina. <div...
                                                                              Al Tafsir Al Muyasar
                                                                                  "Al Tafsîr Al Muyassâr (Exegesis of the noble Quran)" is a work produced by a group of contemporary scholars recognized in the field of interpretation of the Quran, under the supervision of Sheikh Sâlih Ibn 'Abd al-'Azîz Âl al-Shayk , and published in Arabic by the King Fahd complex for printing the Noble Quran of Medina. <div...
                                                                                  The Authentic Exegesis of Ibn Kathîr (Sahîh Tafsîr Ibn Kathîr) in 5 volumes (Tawbah Editions)The Authentic Exegesis of Ibn Kathir (Sahih Tafsir Ibn Kathir) in 5 volumes (Tawbah Editions) - BLACK cover
                                                                                  • Online only
                                                                                    Authentication based on the works of Shaykh Ahmad Shakir &amp; Shaykh Muhammad Nasir Ad-Din Al-Albani With the aim of offering the French-speaking public wishing to understand the Koran, a work which is based on solid scientific bases and the work of recognized scholars, We therefore started...
                                                                                    The Authentic Exegesis of Ibn Kathîr (Sahîh Tafsîr Ibn Kathîr) in 5 volumes (Tawbah Editions)The Authentic Exegesis of Ibn Kathir (Sahih Tafsir Ibn Kathir) in 5 volumes (Tawbah Editions) - BLACK cover
                                                                                    • Online only
                                                                                      Authentication based on the works of Shaykh Ahmad Shakir &amp; Shaykh Muhammad Nasir Ad-Din Al-Albani With the aim of offering the French-speaking public wishing to understand the Koran, a work which is based on solid scientific bases and the work of recognized scholars, We therefore started...
                                                                                      An-Nafahât Al 'Atera Fi Jam' Al Qira'ât Al 'Ashr Al Mutawâtira: The ten readings of the Quran (5 Volumes/Arabic)An-Nafahât Al 'Atera Fi Jam' Al Qira'ât Al 'Ashr Al Mutawâtira: The ten readings of the Quran (5 Volumes/Arabic)
                                                                                          This Arabic work in five volumes entitled "النَّفحاتُ العاطِرةُ في جمعِ القِراءاتِ العشْرِ المُتواتِرة" is a valuable resource for the study of the ten approved Quranic recitations. Written by reciter Mohammed Hussam Sabsabi, this book simplifies the approach to compiling Quranic recitations by following the methods of Shâtibiyya and Ad-Durrah. An invaluable...
                                                                                          An-Nafahât Al 'Atera Fi Jam' Al Qira'ât Al 'Ashr Al Mutawâtira: The ten readings of the Quran (5 Volumes/Arabic)An-Nafahât Al 'Atera Fi Jam' Al Qira'ât Al 'Ashr Al Mutawâtira: The ten readings of the Quran (5 Volumes/Arabic)
                                                                                              This Arabic work in five volumes entitled "النَّفحاتُ العاطِرةُ في جمعِ القِراءاتِ العشْرِ المُتواتِرة" is a valuable resource for the study of the ten approved Quranic recitations. Written by reciter Mohammed Hussam Sabsabi, this book simplifies the approach to compiling Quranic recitations by following the methods of Shâtibiyya and Ad-Durrah. An invaluable...
                                                                                              Al itqân fi tajwîd al Qurân, by Manal Al Baz ra (Arabic Version)Al itqân fi tajwîd al Qurân, by Manal Al Baz ra (Arabic Version)
                                                                                                  Tajwid, pronunciation and recitation of the Holy Quran
                                                                                                  التَّجويدِ لِمَا فيهِ من طريقةِ عرضٍ واضحةٍ وأسل وبٍ سهلٍ ومنهجيةٍ متكاملةٍ With its new revised and expanded version, this work is a complete reference in the science of Tajweed of the Quran, thanks to its clear presentation, its simple and easy style and its ...
                                                                                                  Al itqân fi tajwîd al Qurân, by Manal Al Baz ra (Arabic Version)Al itqân fi tajwîd al Qurân, by Manal Al Baz ra (Arabic Version)
                                                                                                      Tajwid, pronunciation and recitation of the Holy Quran
                                                                                                      التَّجويدِ لِمَا فيهِ من طريقةِ عرضٍ واضحةٍ وأسل وبٍ سهلٍ ومنهجيةٍ متكاملةٍ With its new revised and expanded version, this work is a complete reference in the science of Tajweed of the Quran, thanks to its clear presentation, its simple and easy style and its ...
                                                                                                          The Saving SurasThe Saving Suras (French / Arabic / Phonetic)
                                                                                                              The Saving SurasThe Saving Suras (French / Arabic / Phonetic)
                                                                                                                  The Koran is the divine Word. It is inimitable and preserved from any alteration. It is the ultimate ray of divine light which, since the dawn of humanity, traces the Way to human beings and accompanies them on their earthly journey. All the suras of the Koran constitute a guide and a balm for those who follow the Way. There are, however, many hadiths that...
                                                                                                                  The Saving SurasThe Saving Suras (French / Arabic / Phonetic)
                                                                                                                      The Koran is the divine Word. It is inimitable and preserved from any alteration. It is the ultimate ray of divine light which, since the dawn of humanity, traces the Way to human beings and accompanies them on their earthly journey. All the suras of the Koran constitute a guide and a balm for those who follow the Way. There are, however, many hadiths that...