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Abrégé de l'exégèse d'ibn kathir (2 volumes)
Abrégé de l'exégèse d'ibn kathir (2 volumes)
The Malikite school
The Malikite school

The Malikite school : Founded by Imam Malik Ibn Anas (93-179 H), this school was born in Medina, the city of the Prophet (saw), from the teaching of the descendants of the companions of Medina. Imam Malik is the "great scholar of Medina" announced by the Prophet (peace be upon him). What makes the particularity of this school is the use of "Amal Ahlal Madina" (the tradition of the people of Medina), indeed Medina being inhabited in his time by the descendants of the companions the Sunna is therefore preserved by the tradition of the Medinans. The school is now widespread especially in North Africa, the Emirates, Kuwait, Sudan.

28 products

      Explication de La croyance d'ibn zayd Al-QayrawaniExplication de La croyance d'ibn zayd Al-Qayrawani
          Explication de La croyance d'ibn zayd Al-QayrawaniExplication de La croyance d'ibn zayd Al-Qayrawani
              The Muqaddima of Ibn Abî Zayd al-Qayrawânî: is the first chapter of a very famous book which is the Risâla of the same author. This book is a major reference in Malikite jurisprudence. <span...
              Explication de La croyance d'ibn zayd Al-QayrawaniExplication de La croyance d'ibn zayd Al-Qayrawani
                  The Muqaddima of Ibn Abî Zayd al-Qayrawânî: is the first chapter of a very famous book which is the Risâla of the same author. This book is a major reference in Malikite jurisprudence. <span...
                  The explanation of the epistle Al-Akhdari in worship according to Madhab Maliki
                      Discover a clear and accessible analysis of Matn Al-Akhdari, a crucial text of Fiqh Maliki, in "The explanation of the epistle Al-Akhdari in worship according to Madhab Maliki". The author, Sheikh Tal'at Zahran, simplifies the nuances of Maliki Fiqh for all levels of understanding. This work demystifies complex concepts, providing a fluid mastery of religious...
                      The explanation of the epistle Al-Akhdari in worship according to Madhab Maliki
                          Discover a clear and accessible analysis of Matn Al-Akhdari, a crucial text of Fiqh Maliki, in "The explanation of the epistle Al-Akhdari in worship according to Madhab Maliki". The author, Sheikh Tal'at Zahran, simplifies the nuances of Maliki Fiqh for all levels of understanding. This work demystifies complex concepts, providing a fluid mastery of religious...
                          Risala, fiqh according to the Malikite School
                              The Risâla: Fiqh according to the Malikite School - Epistle on the elements of dogma and practices of the Muslim religion by Ibn Abî Zayd...
                              Risala, fiqh according to the Malikite School
                                  The Risâla: Fiqh according to the Malikite School - Epistle on the elements of dogma and practices of the Muslim religion by Ibn Abî Zayd...
                                  مختصر الأخضري في العبادات - Mukhtasar Al Akhdariمختصر الأخضري في العبادات - Mukhtasar Al Akhdari (Arabic)
                                      Mukhtasar Al Akhdari is a famous abbreviation in the form of a matn (poem) by the Maliki jurist Abd Rahman Al-Akhdari. It essentially deals with the rules inherent in prayer according to the Maliki rite. It is an eminent work that is studied in countries which are of Maliki obedience or even in countries where Muslims are a minority. <p...
                                      مختصر الأخضري في العبادات - Mukhtasar Al Akhdariمختصر الأخضري في العبادات - Mukhtasar Al Akhdari (Arabic)
                                          Mukhtasar Al Akhdari is a famous abbreviation in the form of a matn (poem) by the Maliki jurist Abd Rahman Al-Akhdari. It essentially deals with the rules inherent in prayer according to the Maliki rite. It is an eminent work that is studied in countries which are of Maliki obedience or even in countries where Muslims are a minority. <p...
                                              The Book of Marriage and Divorce, by Ibn Juzayy
                                                  The Book of Marriage and Divorce, by Ibn Juzayy
                                                      The Book of Marriage and Divorce According to the Malikite school with the mention of Hanafi, Hanbali, Shafia and Zahirite opinions , Abû al-Qâsim Muhammad ibn Juzayy , "Kitab Nikah wa Talaq", ( ...
                                                      The Book of Marriage and Divorce, by Ibn Juzayy
                                                          The Book of Marriage and Divorce According to the Malikite school with the mention of Hanafi, Hanbali, Shafia and Zahirite opinions , Abû al-Qâsim Muhammad ibn Juzayy , "Kitab Nikah wa Talaq", ( ...
                                                          Abridged text of Al Moudawwana (Recension of Sahnoun) by Ibn al Qasim, Analysis by GH Bouquet, Héritage Editions
                                                              This is the analysis of a text which for the knowledge of Maliki fiqh is of paramount importance: The Mudawwana. The Mudawwana al-kubrâ is, as we know, in principle, this Major Collection, where Ibn al-Qäsim, immediate disciple of Imam Mälik ibn Anas, answers questions from a student (in our recension: Sahnän), touching the doctrine of the Master.
                                                              Abridged text of Al Moudawwana (Recension of Sahnoun) by Ibn al Qasim, Analysis by GH Bouquet, Héritage Editions
                                                                  This is the analysis of a text which for the knowledge of Maliki fiqh is of paramount importance: The Mudawwana. The Mudawwana al-kubrâ is, as we know, in principle, this Major Collection, where Ibn al-Qäsim, immediate disciple of Imam Mälik ibn Anas, answers questions from a student (in our recension: Sahnän), touching the doctrine of the Master.
                                                                  Commentary on the Muwatta of Mâlik Ibn Anas, by Az-Zurqânî, 5 Volumes (French - Arabic)
                                                                      شرح الزرقاني على موطأ الإمام مالك The Commentary of az-Zurqânî is one of the best commentaries of the Muwatta', the famous work of Imâm Mâlik. Az-Zurqânî set out in his commentary to explain in particular the terms of the hadîth and the prescriptions deduced from the latter. Al-muwatta' is a book of hadith and fiqh...
                                                                      Commentary on the Muwatta of Mâlik Ibn Anas, by Az-Zurqânî, 5 Volumes (French - Arabic)
                                                                          شرح الزرقاني على موطأ الإمام مالك The Commentary of az-Zurqânî is one of the best commentaries of the Muwatta', the famous work of Imâm Mâlik. Az-Zurqânî set out in his commentary to explain in particular the terms of the hadîth and the prescriptions deduced from the latter. Al-muwatta' is a book of hadith and fiqh...
                                                                          Funeral practices according to the Malikite doctrine (Rites - Testament), by Mohamed HendazFuneral practices according to the Malikite doctrine (Rites - Testament), by Mohamed Hendaz
                                                                              Faced with the inevitability of death, the dying person feels helpless and overwhelmed by a feeling of helplessness. It is by giving meaning to this reality that Islam, like other religions and systems of thought, accompanies the facts. The primary purpose of this book is to present a synthetic...
                                                                              Funeral practices according to the Malikite doctrine (Rites - Testament), by Mohamed HendazFuneral practices according to the Malikite doctrine (Rites - Testament), by Mohamed Hendaz
                                                                                  Faced with the inevitability of death, the dying person feels helpless and overwhelmed by a feeling of helplessness. It is by giving meaning to this reality that Islam, like other religions and systems of thought, accompanies the facts. The primary purpose of this book is to present a synthetic...
                                                                                  Commentary on the Epistle of Ibn 'Âchir in Mâlikite jurisprudence, By al-Mukhtâr ibn al-Arabî El-DJazâ'irî then Ech-chinqîtî
                                                                                      A simplified commentary of the epistle of jurisprudence composed by the sheikh El-Islam of his time, in this case the sheikh 'Abdul-Wâhid-Ibn 'Ashir with his famous poem known as the epistle of ibn 'Achir or what is...
                                                                                      Commentary on the Epistle of Ibn 'Âchir in Mâlikite jurisprudence, By al-Mukhtâr ibn al-Arabî El-DJazâ'irî then Ech-chinqîtî
                                                                                          A simplified commentary of the epistle of jurisprudence composed by the sheikh El-Islam of his time, in this case the sheikh 'Abdul-Wâhid-Ibn 'Ashir with his famous poem known as the epistle of ibn 'Achir or what is...
                                                                                          الدر الثمين و المورد المعين في شرح المرشد المعين على الضروري من علوم الدين،لإبن عاشر ،الشهير بميارة الكبرى (مجلدين)
                                                                                              Ad-dur Ath-thamîn wa al-mawrid al-mu’în fi charh  al mourchid almou'in 'ala darori min 'ulum din, connu sous le nom de Mayyâra Al Kubra est le troisième livre (en deux volumes) de la série Simplification de la jurisprudence malekite ( Silsilat Taysîr Al-Fiqh ...
                                                                                              الدر الثمين و المورد المعين في شرح المرشد المعين على الضروري من علوم الدين،لإبن عاشر ،الشهير بميارة الكبرى (مجلدين)
                                                                                                  Ad-dur Ath-thamîn wa al-mawrid al-mu’în fi charh  al mourchid almou'in 'ala darori min 'ulum din, connu sous le nom de Mayyâra Al Kubra est le troisième livre (en deux volumes) de la série Simplification de la jurisprudence malekite ( Silsilat Taysîr Al-Fiqh ...
                                                                                                  Summary of Fiqh Malikite: Worship practices ('ibâdât), by Corentin PabiotSummary of Fiqh Malikite: Worship practices ('ibâdât), by Corentin Pabiot
                                                                                                      This book is a brief account of the religious practices of Islam (ibâdât) which are prayer, fasting, legal almsgiving and pilgrimage. Its primary objective is to meet the pedagogical requirements of a popularization book. In this sense, it was designed as a convenient manual that presents in a practical and manageable format, the essential notions of these four...
                                                                                                      Summary of Fiqh Malikite: Worship practices ('ibâdât), by Corentin PabiotSummary of Fiqh Malikite: Worship practices ('ibâdât), by Corentin Pabiot
                                                                                                          This book is a brief account of the religious practices of Islam (ibâdât) which are prayer, fasting, legal almsgiving and pilgrimage. Its primary objective is to meet the pedagogical requirements of a popularization book. In this sense, it was designed as a convenient manual that presents in a practical and manageable format, the essential notions of these four...
                                                                                                          The essentials of the Muslim religion (flexible) according to Ibn 'Ashir
                                                                                                              This is a treatise on Malikite jurisprudence based on the commented translation of Ibn Âshir 's work : " al-Murshid al-Muîn alâ ad-Darûrî min ulûm ad-Dîn " (also called al-Matn) . <span...
                                                                                                              The essentials of the Muslim religion (flexible) according to Ibn 'Ashir
                                                                                                                  This is a treatise on Malikite jurisprudence based on the commented translation of Ibn Âshir 's work : " al-Murshid al-Muîn alâ ad-Darûrî min ulûm ad-Dîn " (also called al-Matn) . <span...