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Abrégé de l'exégèse d'ibn kathir (2 volumes)
Abrégé de l'exégèse d'ibn kathir (2 volumes)
Mohammed (sbdl) seen by Westerners
Mohammed (sbdl) seen by Westerners

10 products

Praise of the Prophet
      Over the centuries, eminent authors from all walks of life have written about Islam and its Prophet (saw). To bear witness to this literary heritage, three texts have been selected by the editor of this work. The first is Muhammad Hamiddulah's translation of a sublime poem by Jagan Nath Azad, a Hindu writer. The second is by Alphonse de Lamartine. Finally, the...
      Praise of the Prophet
          Over the centuries, eminent authors from all walks of life have written about Islam and its Prophet (saw). To bear witness to this literary heritage, three texts have been selected by the editor of this work. The first is Muhammad Hamiddulah's translation of a sublime poem by Jagan Nath Azad, a Hindu writer. The second is by Alphonse de Lamartine. Finally, the...
              Is Muhammad a prophet?Is Muhammad a prophet?
                  Is Muhammad a prophet?Is Muhammad a prophet?
                      Mohammed (sbdl) seen by Westerners
                      Is Muhammad a prophet?, by Rachid Maach, Héritage Éditions This book was born from a simple idea, itself based on a conviction: Muhammad is indeed a Prophet, the last of a series of Semitic Prophets from Abraham, of whom he is the descendant. So...
                      Is Muhammad a prophet?Is Muhammad a prophet?
                          Mohammed (sbdl) seen by Westerners
                          Is Muhammad a prophet?, by Rachid Maach, Héritage Éditions This book was born from a simple idea, itself based on a conviction: Muhammad is indeed a Prophet, the last of a series of Semitic Prophets from Abraham, of whom he is the descendant. So...
                          Mohammed in der Bibel, David Benjamin (Deutsch- German)
                              Mohammed in der Bibel, David Benjamin (Deutsch- German)
                                  German: Deutsch Bücher über den Islam
                                  Koran und Evangelium verbindet zunächst die Tatsache, dass es sich bei ihrem Ursprung um ,,Bücher Gottes” handelt, die den Propheten Mohammed bzw. Jesus offenbartn. Der Koran ist somit auch keine Offenbarungsschrift, die etwas vollkommen neues enthält; der Islam ist keine neue Religion, die den früheren Menschen vollkommen unbekannt war, sondern er ist die...
                                  Mohammed in der Bibel, David Benjamin (Deutsch- German)
                                      German: Deutsch Bücher über den Islam
                                      Koran und Evangelium verbindet zunächst die Tatsache, dass es sich bei ihrem Ursprung um ,,Bücher Gottes” handelt, die den Propheten Mohammed bzw. Jesus offenbartn. Der Koran ist somit auch keine Offenbarungsschrift, die etwas vollkommen neues enthält; der Islam ist keine neue Religion, die den früheren Menschen vollkommen unbekannt war, sondern er ist die...
                                      84 announcements of the Prophet Muhammad in the Bible, Le cadi Salih Al-Ja'fari, Éditions Umma Books84 announcements of the Prophet Muhammad in the Bible, Le cadi Salih Al-Ja'fari, Éditions Umma Books
                                          The cadi Sâlih Al-Ja'farî, in a voluminous work where he highlights the falsifications suffered by the biblical text, devoted a chapter to the announcements of the prophet Mohammed in the Bible. He identified 84 of them, most of which constitute irrefutable proof that the Seal of the Prophets is mentioned in the ancient scriptures and that it is part of the...
                                          84 announcements of the Prophet Muhammad in the Bible, Le cadi Salih Al-Ja'fari, Éditions Umma Books84 announcements of the Prophet Muhammad in the Bible, Le cadi Salih Al-Ja'fari, Éditions Umma Books
                                              The cadi Sâlih Al-Ja'farî, in a voluminous work where he highlights the falsifications suffered by the biblical text, devoted a chapter to the announcements of the prophet Mohammed in the Bible. He identified 84 of them, most of which constitute irrefutable proof that the Seal of the Prophets is mentioned in the ancient scriptures and that it is part of the...
                                              The Life of Muhammad Prophet of Allah, by Etienne Dinet and Slimane Ben Ibrahim (Full Version)The Life of Muhammad Prophet of Allah, by Etienne Dinet and Slimane Ben Ibrahim (Full Version)
                                                  Étienne Dinet écrivit en 1918 une biographie de la vie du Prophète Muhammad (saw) à la demande du ministère des Armées, en hommage « à la mémoire des musulmans morts pour la France lors de la grande guerre ». Pour la réaliser, avec son ami Sliman Ben Ibrahim, ils s’appuyèrent essentiellement sur les sources islamiques et non sur les travaux des islamologues. Leur...
                                                  The Life of Muhammad Prophet of Allah, by Etienne Dinet and Slimane Ben Ibrahim (Full Version)The Life of Muhammad Prophet of Allah, by Etienne Dinet and Slimane Ben Ibrahim (Full Version)
                                                      Étienne Dinet écrivit en 1918 une biographie de la vie du Prophète Muhammad (saw) à la demande du ministère des Armées, en hommage « à la mémoire des musulmans morts pour la France lors de la grande guerre ». Pour la réaliser, avec son ami Sliman Ben Ibrahim, ils s’appuyèrent essentiellement sur les sources islamiques et non sur les travaux des islamologues. Leur...
                                                      The Prophet of Islam Muhammad. Biography and Illustrated Guide to the Moral Foundations of Islamic CivilizationThe Prophet of Islam Muhammad. Biography and Illustrated Guide to the Moral Foundations of Islamic Civilization
                                                        • On sale!
                                                        The prophet Mohammed (sbdl) through the eyes of illustrious historical figures: Mahatma Gandhi, William Durant, Johann Wolfang von Goethe, Thomas Carlyle, Alphonse de Lamartine John Adair, william montgomery watt, Michael hart... A testimony of recognition of the...
                                                        The Prophet of Islam Muhammad. Biography and Illustrated Guide to the Moral Foundations of Islamic CivilizationThe Prophet of Islam Muhammad. Biography and Illustrated Guide to the Moral Foundations of Islamic Civilization
                                                          • On sale!
                                                          The prophet Mohammed (sbdl) through the eyes of illustrious historical figures: Mahatma Gandhi, William Durant, Johann Wolfang von Goethe, Thomas Carlyle, Alphonse de Lamartine John Adair, william montgomery watt, Michael hart... A testimony of recognition of the...
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                                                            The Prophet Muhammad
                                                              • On sale!
                                                              The Prophet Muhammad
                                                                • On sale!
                                                                The Life of the Prophet (sbdl) & History of Islam - Book
                                                                Martin Lings gives us this life of the Prophet with a beautiful storytelling talent. The profusion of often unpublished details makes this biography a monument of scholarship accessible to the greatest number.
                                                                The Prophet Muhammad
                                                                  • On sale!
                                                                  The Life of the Prophet (sbdl) & History of Islam - Book
                                                                  Martin Lings gives us this life of the Prophet with a beautiful storytelling talent. The profusion of often unpublished details makes this biography a monument of scholarship accessible to the greatest number.
                                                                    • On sale!
                                                                    Muhammad and what Westerners think about Librairie Sana
                                                                      • On sale!
                                                                      Muhammad and what Westerners think about Librairie Sana
                                                                        • On sale!
                                                                        The Life of the Prophet (sbdl) & History of Islam - Book
                                                                        Title:Muhammad and what Westerners think Support:Books Edition:LA PLUME UNIVERSELLE
                                                                        Muhammad and what Westerners think about Librairie Sana
                                                                          • On sale!
                                                                          The Life of the Prophet (sbdl) & History of Islam - Book
                                                                          Title:Muhammad and what Westerners think Support:Books Edition:LA PLUME UNIVERSELLE
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                                                                            The Prophet Muhammad… The West testifies
                                                                              • On sale!
                                                                              The Prophet Muhammad… The West testifies
                                                                                • On sale!
                                                                                The Life of the Prophet (sbdl) & History of Islam - Book
                                                                                This booklet is a collection of testimonies from Western writers, philosophers and historians through which they paid vibrant homage to the Prophet Muhammad (God grant him grace and peace). Although the official history does not relate the eventual conversion to Islam of these authors, their testimonies are nonetheless surprising...
                                                                                The Prophet Muhammad… The West testifies
                                                                                  • On sale!
                                                                                  The Life of the Prophet (sbdl) & History of Islam - Book
                                                                                  This booklet is a collection of testimonies from Western writers, philosophers and historians through which they paid vibrant homage to the Prophet Muhammad (God grant him grace and peace). Although the official history does not relate the eventual conversion to Islam of these authors, their testimonies are nonetheless surprising...
                                                                                    • On sale!
                                                                                    Back to Spirit - Questions and Answers about Librairie Sana
                                                                                      • On sale!
                                                                                      Back to Spirit - Questions and Answers about Librairie Sana
                                                                                        • On sale!
                                                                                        Dr. Lings, seeing beneath the surface of things, pierces the veil behind which lies the sacred meaning of so many mysteries. looks beyond the literal, understands that there are multiple layers and signs within the hidden universe, something that science is beginning to acknowledge through the recognition of an inherent order and harmony in the world around of us...
                                                                                        Back to Spirit - Questions and Answers about Librairie Sana
                                                                                          • On sale!
                                                                                          Dr. Lings, seeing beneath the surface of things, pierces the veil behind which lies the sacred meaning of so many mysteries. looks beyond the literal, understands that there are multiple layers and signs within the hidden universe, something that science is beginning to acknowledge through the recognition of an inherent order and harmony in the world around of us...