Society & Testimonials, Current affairs
Author: Mohammed Abed Al-Jabri - Translation: Abdelhadi Drissi - Editions: Al...
"Orient et Occident" est un livre qui invite à la réflexion sur les relations entre les cultures et sur la place de la tradition dans la vie spirituelle. René Guénon y présente des idées fortes sur la...
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États-Unis, Europe, Chine, Russie, mais aussi firmes multinationales, ONG, opinions publiques et GAFAM : quel est le poids des différents acteurs internationaux ? Réchauffement climatique, migrations, Covid-19, retour de la guerre en Europe… Quels défis globaux se dressent devant nous ? À quelles menaces devons-nous faire face ? Comment penser les débats sur les valeurs (démocratie, morale...
Crises et conflits ne cessent de se multiplier et font la une de l’actualité. Mais le rythme quotidien de l’information ne permet pas toujours de les situer dans le temps long, d’en connaître les racines historiques, d’en saisir les enjeux stratégiques et d’envisager les scénarios futurs. Textes précis, cartographie éclairante, les auteurs...
International Relations Atlas: 100 Maps to Understand the World from 1945 to the Present, by Pascal Boniface, Armand Colin Editions (Revised and Expanded Edition) With undeniable pedagogical clarity, Pascal Boniface delivers in this book a global vision of a complex and changing world, through a mixture of historical depth and...
If the modern world is said to be in crisis, what is usually meant by this is that it has reached a critical point, or, in other words, that a transformation more or less profound is imminent, that a change of direction will inevitably have to occur in the short term, willingly or by force, in a more or less abrupt way, with or without...
The Separatists! The cry from the heart of a French Muslim The Separatists is an epistle which, far from any controversy, is a cry from the heart. That of...
“The most exciting and innovative aspect of the book, which teems with revelations, is the plunge into the heart of Françalgérie, this powerful intricacy of Algerian networks of corruption and part of the French political and economic establishment. » RELEASE
This book is made up of a series of texts and articles that address fundamental questions for contemporary Muslim consciousness. Reflections on the "Muslim discourse", terminology, understanding of religious issues are supplemented by analyzes of social, philosophical, economic or political issues.
Rampant state fascism, decadent populism, recurrent Islamist violence, even civil wars: many Muslim societies today are experiencing serious disorder. For some analysts, these could be explained by the particularisms of Islam, which is essentially incapable of dissociating the religious from the...